Wingman [4]

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Maya walked over to Lucifer once the FBI had finished their raid of the place.

"These aren't my wings," Lucifer said.

"They're fake," Maya realized.

"I mean, it's good work, I'll give them that. Probably would've fooled just about anyone, save perhaps the actual owner of the wings,"

"They must've been switched out," Maya reasoned. "It's no coincidence that your wings are stolen one day, and then Carmen's selling an exact replica a week later,"

"This is some serious foul play,"

"All right. So what's our next move?"

"Well, I'm afraid this is where I leave you, Winchester. What I'm about to do is the Devil's work,"


The auctioneer sat peacefully in his chair staring into the abyss when he heard his doorbell ring. He got up and opened the front door becoming startled by the person in front of him.

"I know," Maya said "You were expecting someone else. Do you mind if I come in?" she walked in anyway "You, Carmen, slightly more difficult to identify, aren't you? I mean, no phone, no bank account, home registered under one of your many aliases." Maya turned to face Carme "Seems wings aren't the only thing you falsify, huh?"

"I can explain...You don't understand..."

"Oh, I understand, perfectly. See you're not the only one who lives amongst many aliases and surrounds themselves with supernatural artifacts." Maya turned and saw the wings being displayed on the wall like a pair of deer antlers. "You should be very grateful that it's me that came and not Lucifer. Mounting his wings, like some decorative stag head." she shook her head with distaste "Shame on you,"

"It wasn't my fault,"

"Oh don't start with the cliches," Maya groaned.

"Someone tipped me off. I thought he was bringing me a sculpture,"

"Clearly you don't seem disappointed,"

"I didn't know what they were. I never would have done it if I had any idea what I was actually dealing with." Carmen grabbed Maya's arm as he kneeled on the ground "You can't take them away. I can't live without them,"

"Before I turn you over to the FBI. I have just one question for you...who tipped you off?"


Maya walked quietly up to Lucifer as he played the piano softly. 

The tune was somber, opposite to his usual loud and playful tunes.

"I'm here to stay, Maya." Lucifer sighed "And I truly hate to disappoint you, but...well, this is where I have to be now,"

Maya finally noticed his bruised-up face "What happened?"

"Just a little, you know, squabble with my bro. Nothing serious,"

"I'm sorry," Maya took a seat next to Lucifer at the piano. "So what did you do with them?" she looked behind Lucifer as if expecting them to unveil themselves.

"The wings are old news now,"

Maya looked up at Lucifer in shock "What? Earlier they were all you could think about,"

"In my search for the wings, I realized what they actually were. A relic with exactly what someone was pilling to pay for them. What can I say? I've moved on to bigger and better things,"

"So, what changed?"

Lucifer brushed a piece of Maya's hair from her face. 

What usually would send frightful shivers down her spine, sent a different kind of shiver as Maya gazed up at Lucifer. 


Fell in Love with the Devil (LuciferxSupernatural Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now