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Drake bounded through Liams office door, slamming the door so roughly he caused him to jump. "Dra-"

"What the fuck is this, Li?" 

He slammed down two identical letters onto Liam's mahogany desk,  one addressed to Savannah and one to Annabelle. Drake's stare was intense, the rage oozing from him as he stared, nostrils flared at his oldest friend waiting for an answer.

"Drake, I...I intended to speak to-"

"What the hell is going on here?" Olivia strode into the office, "you almost woke Eleanor." She looked between Drake and Liam, her voice turning serious. "What is that?" she motioned to the papers as Drake pushed off the desk, running his hands angrily through his hair.

"Why don't you ask your God damned husband!" he spat. 

Liam gave Olivia a pleading look as she picked up the papers, "These are from the Cordonian National Prison", she read them over and a gasp fell from her lips. "These are notice of release papers" her eyes widened as they met Liam's. "You approved this?" she questioned. 

Liam sighed, "I didn't have a choice. Please, Drake, please believe that if there were any possible way I could have avoided this,  I would have."

Drake was pacing angrily through the room and when he turned and met Liam's eyes, his stare was like daggers. "Your the fucking king! How do you have no power to stop this?" He waved his arm toward the papers. 

"Drake, I may be the ruler of the monarchy, but that does not mean I control the laws. The petition for release was signed off by the head psychologist, psychiatrist, and the prison warden.  Maxwell has been through all the psychological testing, his behavior has been impeccable and according to the Warden, he is rehabilitated. I had no other course, but to sign the release papers."

"And you told no one?" Olivia challenged, her eyes narrowed. "You did not see fit to discuss this information with the people involved in the nightmare Maxwell Beaumont created?" 

Liam ran his hand down his face, "I had hoped to, yes, but…" Olivia cut him off with a huff, "pansy". Then she turned to Drake. "How are Annabelle and Savannah?" 

Drake shook his head, "about like you would expect. They are terrified and angry. Granger is trying to hide it, but I know." 

Olivia sighed, shooting Liam an angry glare. "Sav and Bartie went to Valtoria so they can be together. And Mara is there." 

"Good", Olivia nodded. "I'll get our things together. We're coming too." She turned to leave then stopped and placed her hand on Drake's shoulder. "We're not going to let that bastard anywhere near your wife, Drake. We'll keep her safe. I promise."

The Other Side of Fairytale: HIS RETURN Where stories live. Discover now