Chapter One

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"So our next stop is Fydelia and then Cormery Isle?" Annabelle questioned Cadence as they sat at the small table on the train, sipping coffee.

Cadence nodded, "Lythikos was a tremendous success, and preliminary results suggest enough funding to open another location of HAVEN in that region."

Annabelle smiled at Olivia and Liam, who were sitting across the table, "I have no doubt that is due to the Queen's influence."

Cadence agreed, "Indeed Her Majesty's presence certainly helps, as does having Cordonia's most beloved Duchess as the spokesperson for the program."

Annabelle chewed on her lip trying to hide her nerves. "So Fydelia..." she murmured.

Cadence sighed, "I understand you have negative experiences with the former Countess, but from what I understand, since her release-"

"Which was far too soon" Olivia interjected.

"She mostly spends her time in Karlington with her father. Duchess Adelaide is managing Fydelia, as it is within Krona. She has expressed interest in supporting HAVEN and it's services for Fydelia. It's a smart political move as well. Fydelia, and thereby Krona, has fallen out of favor with most of the Cordonian noble houses after Madeleine's part in the scandal. She needs to try to recreate their reputation as an ally and this will help."

Olivia huffed, "It's a backhanded way to photograph Liam and I with Adelaide so they can say that Fydelia is back in good favor with the crown."

"Should we still go through with the visit?" Annabelle questioned.

"We have made this our shortest trip. We will get in this afternoon, do a quick press conference and leave tomorrow morning. I do understand that it's unpleasant, however, it would be doing the people a disservice to overlook the duchy because of Madeleine's past behavior."

Liam nodded, "I have to agree. So, next stop Fydelia."

Cadence rose, leaving Olivia, Liam and Annbelle alone at the small table in the dining car of the train.

"When will Drake be joining us, Annabelle?" Olivia questioned. Just the sound of his name caused a flood of thoughts. "Not soon enough"

(One month ago, before Annabelle received notice of Maxwell's release)

"Whatcha working on, Granger?" Drake slid behind Annabelle on the couch in her office, one leg on each side of her as she perched over her laptop. She smiled as he pressed a soft kiss on her neck. "

Just my speech for the press conference tomorrow, announcing my participation with HAVEN."

Drake smiled against her shoulder, his hands wrapping around her waist. "And it's been Walker for almost two years, now. Are you ever going to stop calling me Granger?"

Drake shrugged, "Probably not. You'll always be Granger to me." He rested his chin on her shoulder, reading. "You still sure about doing this?" Drake questioned, pulling away and turning to meet her eyes.

"Absolutely positive", she nodded determinedly. "Candece has done such a great job with the victim advocacy program in Valtoria. I really want to help raise awareness and being the face of it will go a long way."

"You really are amazing, you know that?" Drake's mouth turned up into a grin. "So, how much more do you have to go?" Drake questioned, watching as she silently mouthed the words to her speech while staring at the computer. She didn't respond, continuing to recite her speech as Drake's lips nipped at the skin of her neck. Annabelle bit her lip, trying to stifle a smile as Drake's hands began to roam.

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