Chapter Two

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Annabelle's eyes filled with tears that leaked in fat droplets from her eyes as her body shook with silent sobs.

"Why are you crying?" His gravelly voice vibrated in her ear. Annabelle grasped Drake's strong hand wrapping his arm tighter around her.

"He..he's out. And I..I..I was.." she couldn't get the words out or maybe she didn't want to. But, the truth, the hard reality was that Annabelle was terrified of Maxwell Beaumont, and she knew better than anyone exactly what he was capable of.

Drake held his wife in his arms as she allowed all the emotions to flow freely, now that he was here and she knew she was safe. He didn't say a word and didn't make her say the truth she wanted hidden. But he held her, gently shushing her, stroking her long blonde locks and pressing gentle kisses into her hair until she finally fell asleep in his protective arms.

The next morning, Drake snuck out of the bedroom grabbing coffee and ran into Olivia bouncing Eleanor in her arms, softly rapping on her back.

"You're back." Olivia grinned. Drake ran his hand through his musseled hair.

"Yeah, I heard about his release and Liam called after he found out. Said Granger was upset."

Olivia sighed, "It was harder than she expected. It's good you're back."

Drake nodded, "Thanks Liv. I'm gonna get back to her."

Drake quietly opened the door to their bedroom, watching as Annabelle's swollen eyes opened and she stretched. He sat next to her on the bed, setting down her coffee, his large hand cupping her delicate cheek as he ran his fingers across the splotchy swollen skin. "Rough night?" he questioned.

Annabelle gave him a half smile, "Not in my top ten", she sipped the coffee, "thanks. This helps."

Drake nodded, "What can I do, Granger?" Annabelle waved him off. "I'm fine, really. It's no big deal. I think it was just finding out he's out, plus being in this creepy place."

Drake raised his eyebrows, "If you're thinking Cormery Isle will be better, I think you're forgetting that Neville is our next host."

Later that evening, the group approached the Vancoeur estate where Neville and his father Earl Gellert Vancoeur stood, looming in the entryway. "Your Majesties" Neville and Earl Gellert both bowed and then sneered, "Your Grace" looking to Drake and Annabelle. Annabelle squeezed Drake's hand, trying to quell the anger she could feel oozing from him.

"Thank you for having us to Cormery Isle. Your estate is lovely", Annabelle forced a smile.

"It is, isn't it?" Earl Gellert turned, admiring his home. "I actually feel it's far under utilized, actually. Perhaps if it were pictured more often, it would serve to improve Cordonia's reputation, as an established center of culture and refinement. As opposed to more newly appointed, lower end estates." Earl Gellert bemoaned.

"Thank you for sharing your views with us, Earl Gellert." Liam politely redirected, "Now if you could please show us to our rooms, I think we are all anxious to get settled after a long journey."

"Hmph. I suppose the tour can wait until after you've freshened up." He gruffed.

Neville, raised a judgemental eyebrow at Annabelle. "You won't look like that tomorrow, will you? You're supposed to be promoting a world class golf course, not some trailer park putt putt."

Annabelle took a deep breath, doing her best to keep her voice polite. "On the contrary, Lord Neville, I am here promoting a nonprofit program to help survivors of sexual assault, not your golf course."

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