Not again ~Chapter 2

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Warning there are some dramatic parts in this chapter like abuse and self harm u have been warned
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Andrews p.o.v

I saw her in class first period there's something different about her but I can't figure it out but she so pretty and her eyes are green like grass when spring comes and her hair is not short but gone down to the middle of her back with the perfect waves in it .... I have to know her ... no, I need to know her. *ring ring* final bell I guess. Just as I was about to walk out the school and drive home I saw her again but this time there was someone else there with a group of girls "hey u " I called to a kid walking past me " who is that ?" I asked " that's Rebecca the schools head cheerleader and bitch, why?" He told me calmly " nothing just wanted to know" I said walking away as I get closer I see her slam dahlia into the wall and she starts bleeding " Rebecca stop !" I told her as u got closer this is he girl who tried making a move on me in 5th period "what the fuck Andrew I was just playing " she tried saying innocently " don't fuck with her okay or I'll deal with you my self I don't care who u are I will beat the shit out if you if you mess with her again got it " I didn't wait for a answer I picked dahlia in my arms bridal style just then she past out . I'll have mom fix her up since she's a nurse an owes me big Time for covering up her cheating on dad . I place dahlia in the back seat of my ford and drive home as fast as I could.

"Mom!! " I called as I walke through the front door"mom!" I call louder make ing sure she can hear me because I know she's home. "yes honey, what is it" she ask coming down the stairs fixing her hair " my friend dahlia is hurt she needs help she's bleeding and she past out about 15 minutes ago." I say in a rush but I think she understood it all " place her on the couch then get me a bowl of water and 2 rags okay honey she'll be fine " she told me with a smile running back upstairs I'm guessing to get her stuff. once I place dahlia on the couch and get the bowl of water and rags moms already working in her . "honey go do your homework ok" she told me clean the blood from dahlias head, she finished so fast wow. " mom thanks " I say giving her a hug she was surprised at first but then hugged me back "anytime sweetie you must really like her hon don't you." she says with a smile. "I don't know yet but I feel like I do" smiling like I just got some. " that's good be nice to her "she says walking away and I can see dahlia waking up better go help her.

Dahlias p.o.v
I feel a big pain in my head . I open my eyes "we're am I ?" I ask looking around its a pretty big house from what I see ." your in my house you past out in school after Rebecca banged your head into the wall thankfully u needed no stitches but u do have a slit concussion my mom says but thankfully your okay" I look around and see him standing there. " what time is it " I ask frantically looking for my stuff " it's 6 right now and let me get my mom so she can check your head" he said but I was all ready grabbing my stuff "I'm really sorry but I have to go now tell your mom thank you and thank you Andrew too" I say run out the door . I have to get home or I'll get it worse this time I don't understand how can I be so stupid ,ugh. I can see his car from here damn this is not good . I open the door slowly trying to be quiet but it won't work he standing right there waiting for me . ever since my mom died and dad walked out of my life I been living with him my uncil Luka I hate him so much. "well,well,well looks who finally home mommy's little whore , Where the hell were you brat" he drunk again this is not good "ANSWER ME!"he screams at me and I flinch *slap* here it comes once he starts he won't stop until I'm past out . he grabs my hair out if no where and throws me into the wall and kicks my stomach if only I can make it to the door and run to jases house that's down the block * Bang* he threw a bottle at me and missed like most times " your a worthless piece of shit no one will ever love you Lila " he says with a evil tone I have to make a run for it even I..I have to fight him I will. he slaps me again this time harder I know it will leave a bruise I'm bleeding too . "get off me you drunk basterd!" I scream at him trying to get out of his grip that he has on my arms. "oh look like you have a voice after all little bitch "he punches me that's it it's now or never . Kick him in his balls and make a run for it but then something grabs my ankle "oh no you don't " he has the Killer face on I use my other leg to kick him in the face and run to the door once I'm out I run to jases house I have some explaining to do.

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