Act 3

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"Let me get some money, rich kid!" The bully asked the irritated Yuta.

"Yuta? Is that blood?" Leilani's soft voice asked and Yuta turned around to see Leilani standing next to him while looking and holding onto his bloody hands.

"Massage his shoulders?" Leilani repeated, she had no other choice, she had to do those things until his parents came to pick him up so they can give him his medicine for his...

Angrophobia, something Lani doesn't know about Yuta yet..

"Wanna take a walk?" I asked the scared boy, I then looked over his shoulder to see students flowing out their classrooms and into the halls. I quickly grabbed Yuta's hand and ran out to the track/court yard of the school.

When we got outside a warm but cold breeze hit us both and Yuta made his grip on my hand tighter, us both not caring about the blood smeared on our connected hands.

"Over here!" I quickly point out before running over to a empty bench that was covered by a orange leafed tree, blocking the sun from me and Yuta.

We sat down and I tried to let go of Yuta's hand but he didn't want to let go so I smiled a bit before clasping hands with him again then I used my clean hand to text his mother.

Mama Bear💕

[Are you two okay?]

[Yeah, we're sitting underneath a small tree...]

[Thank you so much!]

[Anytime, for a friend? Anything is possible!]


I then laid Yuta's phone down on my lap and I looked around while moving my leg up and down rapidly. "You feeling okay, Yuta?" I asked, there wasn't a answer, I then felt a head fall onto my shoulder.

I looked over and saw Yuta asleep on my shoulder while still holding my hand tightly. This was not I expected when I said "I wanna make friends", it's weird because I've never had this type of encounter with a boy before and might I add, his hands are bloodier than a tampon!

Sitting here made me kind of sleepy and I know I just met this man but I'm getting hell of tired so I laid my head on Yuta's head then started to drift off to sleep.

"What happened, Lani?" The councilor asked, I sat there biting my lip knowing I literally just cussed out a group of kids for a little boy that was getting bullied.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone..." She said and I let the stress fall off my shoulders then started to ramble my mouth about what I did, but what I didn't know was...

She was gonna tell the whole faculty about what I did, that's why she's writing everything down that I'm saying. "Okay, that's enough.." She trailed off, I let out a relieved breath then the lady grabbed my hand, taking me out the empty room and to my upset parents.

"You're in trouble, young lady!" My mom said, I then looked at the councilor and she was smiling while waving then started to whisper into other teachers ears.

Oh, I'm in BIG trouble... 

"Ha, she's a whore!" A muffled voice said, I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see students standing around us, taking pictures of us.

I lifted my head off of Yuta's and looked for a opening out of the crowd of students. When I found the opening I shook Yuta and he groaned, trying to stay asleep.

"Come on.. get up..." I whispered, he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me then looked around to see everybody standing around us. All the girls then started to get star struck when they saw Yuta glance at them multiple times.

Even that bully girl was lust filled. "What's going on?" He asked, I ignored him and tightly grasped onto his hand, then dragged him off the bench and started to run away from the pack.

"Why won't they stop?" Yuta asked, I shrugged and started to run faster since we were being chased by a pack of students that wants to interrogate us about something that isn't important!

I found a hiding spot and we watched as the pack of young adults ran pass the small space, chanting mean words about me. "Can we leave?" The tired boy asked. "Not yet, be quiet." I whispered before letting go of his hand and pulled out my phone to call Crystal.

When I get home I'm really gonna have to clean my phone, there's blood all over it.

What did he even do? "Hello?" I whisper through the phone. "Yeah, you seen them too?" I asked the confused Crystal.

She then told me to come to the front because there was two rich people at the front, they were saying they were Yuta's parents and was demanding to see him.

"Yuta." I say after hanging up the phone, he hummed for response while leaning up against a wall, reading his book, really? At a time like this? "Your parents are here.." I said while looking out the little space to see if there was anyone still around.

"Really?" He loudly asked, I turned around and put my finger up to his mouth, signaling him to shut up. "Oh, sorry.." He whispered.

I then quickly grasped his hand, After clasping hands I dragged him out the hiding space and towards the front of the school aka the office.

"Oh! Yuta, my baby!" His mother said while embracing him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much!" A deep voice said from next to me, I looked over and it was a man wearing a black suit.

"Ah! Let me introduce myself, I'm Yuta's dad, Nakamoto Kun." He said while lending out his hand to shake mines, I used my clean hand to shake his. I then looked pass the man and saw Yuta getting checked by his mother.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Nakamoto." I say before bowing to him. "Same.." He stated, we then let each other go and I looked pass the man to see Yuta getting checked by his mother.

"Where did all this blood come from?"

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