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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Jack finds me sitting by myself, my back against a moss-covered rock, watching the eggs as they run along the tops of the vines, dropping into coils and coming out the other side with patters printed on them. I feel pretty peaceful right now, my bow leaning on the rock beside me and my chin resting on my hands.

"Hey," he says softly, sinking down beside me.

"I'm not high anymore," I say before he even gets the chance to ask.

"That's uh, that's good," he replies, shoving his hands into his pocket. "Do you... remember everything?"

"Nope," I laugh, "not the first bit anyway. I remember from about... coming out of the tunnel?"

"Right," he says. I can't tell if he sounds relieved or disappointed.

"Why? What'd I do?"

"Nothing much, not anything important."

I tip my head back against the rock, surveying the flowers dangling over my head. "Are you gonna lecture me about my drug usage?"

He snorts, picking at a thread on his pants. "I thought about it, yeah. But you wouldn't listen to me, would you?"

I pretend to think for a moment, then shake my head. "Nah," I smile. He laughs, and I so desperately want to reach over and take his hand, or run my fingers through his hair, or even just rest my head on his shoulder. But I don't, I can't.

"You said you didn't like Easter." He says abruptly.


"When I first found you on the roof of North's factory, you said you didn't like Easter."

"Oh," I laugh. "That's a lie, I like Easter very much."

"Yeah, me too."

"You?" I sit up fully and turn to him, raising my eyebrows. "You like Easter?"

"Just a little bit," he protests, jumping to his feet. "Look," he points behind me at the vines, where the last of the eggs are dropping to the ground, their colours practically glowing.

I don't say anything, just the follow them down a narrow winding path to where the whole landscape opens up into seven different pathways, each leading to a tunnel with a different continent above the door.

Bunny is crouched at the top, Sophie holding his hand and watching the eggs on their way. I didn't realise he'd come by before, but it must have been in the last few minutes.

"Not bad," Jack sighs, crouching beside him.

"Not bad yourself. Have a nice nap, (Y/N)?"


Bunny turns towards me, Sophie now cradled in his arms. "When we walked past, you were asleep. This little tacker wanted to play with your hair, kept saying you were an angel. If angels cursed like sailors and had drug habits."

"Bet she didn't say the last part," I snort. "Sorry bout the kangaroo thing, by the way."

"Is it the accent?"


"Sorry about calling you a junkie," he says.

"It's fine, not the first time I've gotten it."

He chuckles, looking down at the child in his arms. "Poor little ankle-biter, she's all tuckered out."

"I love her," Tooth says softly, fluttering down beside them. "I think it's time to get her home."

"How about I take her home?" Jack asks, standing up and holding out his arms.

"Jack, Pitch is—"

"No match for this." He cuts her off, holding out his staff.

"Which is why we need you here, with us."

"Trust me," he says. "I'll be quick as a bunny. (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, I'm coming," I smile. Maybe I'll get a moment to talk to him alone.

"No you're not!" Tooth says quickly, zooming to stop me. "We're already losing Jack for the minute, can't have you running off as well."

"Tooth, it'll be fine. You guys can manage without us."

"We'd really rather not, right guys?" She says, turning to the others.

"Tooth is right," North says, "we are already sparing Jack, we cannot lose too many at once. We need you here, with us."

"I..." I glance between them and Jack, who's now holding Sophie.

"I hate to say it," he says, "but they're right. You should stay here."

"You're supposed to be on my side," I grumble, and he laughs.

"Right, yeah, forgot about that."

I sigh. They have a point. "Fine, I'll stay here. Don't be too long."

"You know me," he grins, "when do I ever take too long?" 

A Heart of Ice (Jack Frost x Cupid!Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now