Hunter Sapnap

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ART BY-  @/pocketnix ON TWITTER!!!!

Request from- @XxCoffeeStarxX

 "Okay, I'm off!" Sapnap hollered as he skipped out the door. He had been waiting his whole life to be able to hunt. His mother, due to his father's tragedy, refused to let him go till he was much older. It was his 18th birthday today his mother had tried to convince him to go the next day but Sap was way too eager. When he got out he was completely engulfed in a sweet atmosphere. He forgot how nice it was outside.

"Hey, father. I know you can hear me from up there," Sapnap started as he ventured into the forest.

"I miss you, just know I'm doing this for you. Mother protested against it but I wanted to follow in your footsteps. I wanted to accomplish what you were never able to," He smiled as he finished his vent. Tears threatened his eyes but he protested and continued through the lively timberland. He was in search of what was called a Dreamon.

Dreamon's are one of the most well-known creatures that lived among Sapnaps village, Enoki. Hunting Dreamon's was the main goal of the village. For the first person to find one and bring it to the nearby kingdom was granted access to the palace to reside and spend the rest of their lives. On top of getting a royal place to stay, they also were granted a lot of money. Enough to prompt the hunter and his family a debt and work-free life for many years to come. Of course, this was a huge deal and everyone had their sons enrolling in hunting lessons. Except hunting wasn't for everyone. It took a lot of skill and patience. Many people didn't have the ability to hunt. On top of that. Our village forbids females to search for Dreamons. So we had an even smaller range of people that were capable of hunting. The king and queen's reasoning behind wanting a Dreamon was unruly but money is money. They wanted a divine snack. Unlike anything ever tasted before. In this day and age, the people who ate the most expensive food were known as the most wealthy. (Pls I couldn't think of anything)

Sapnap continued into the forest unsure of how or even where a Dreamon would be. They were so rare that if someone were to spot one. They were eaten. At least that's what the legend has stated for years. That's what happened to Sapnaps father. At least that's what they think, or know of.

Regardless, Sapnap truly believed the legends. He thought Dreamons were dangerous but if anything. He'd see his father again. Sapnap soon came to a halt when he heard a rustle in a nearby shrub. He froze.

'I'm not ready to die. Oh my god. Guess ill be seeing dad soon. Oh lord, this is it. Where did my confidence go? This is much scarier than it should be. Oh, deceased father give me luck.' He internally screamed. Sapnap swiftly pulled out his bow and a few arrows just in case. His eyes scanned the room for any sort of life. The rustling began again followed by a few distressed whimpers. Odd. Sapnap followed the noise.

'Sigh' Sapnap was practically preparing for his death. When he neared the odd noise he stopped. He saw a tail and without thought, he shot it. The animal whined and continued whimpering. When it came out of the bush Sapnap was shaken. It was a Dreamon? Horribly injured but a Dreamon.

'Oh my god. It's my chance. It's injured and perfect for me. It can barely attack back. What if it has a family though? What if- No Sapnap get a hold of yourself. This could help YOUR family out so much. Focus. Now kill it.'

Sapnap was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something near him. The poor Dreamon was sitting at his feet. Whimpering.

"H-Hey u-uh are you o-okay?" Sapnap gulped. It growled.

"H-Help!" It yelped. It's claws trailed up Sapnaps leg and clung to it. It stung and soon Sapnap's pale skin was tinted a rich red. A few drops of blood ran down his leg. Sapnap winced at the pain. He didn't know how to assist this..... Thing? In fact, he shouldn't even help it! He should just kill it and be on his way, but he couldn't. His heart ached even thinking about hurting the poor animal. It looked so cute and harmless.

'How can I hurt this little guy. Aw. Wait, is it even a guy? Do they have genders? Do they have names? How do they procreate? Are they scared of humans? How long do they live? Has this one possibly seen my dad? Do they eat people? What kinds of things do they eat? How are their claws so sharp? Do they possibly have my dad? Alive? Oh, so many questions to ask! Okay, I have to help it, but how? Do I reckon I could sneak it home and aid it there? I guess I have to try. Somehow.' Sapnap's mind ran miles before he was snapped back into reality. His leg stinging from the fresh cuts. He looked down at the desperate thing. Its eyes were bright green. They shimmered in the sun like an emerald. This certain Dreamon's face was dusted with beautiful freckles and a light rosy blush. It looked adorable. Honestly, Sapnap was considering keeping it as a pet. 

bruv sorry I love you all. You are valid. Gnite :))

I will be gone for a week because I won't have my laptop :,)

ill try writing on my phone possibly <3

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