1st Madness

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"Oooh. Fuck shit. Aaaahhh, baaaby. Give me more."

I frustratingly ran my hands through my hair before slamming my notebook on the desk.

Aside from the fact that I'm quite preoccupied with the preparations for my unrequited first love's wedding tomorrow, the guy who just moved in next door has been moaning and groaning for the past forty minutes.

I got so damn distracted with the sound he was making that I accidentally wrote fuck me more instead of more flowers on my notebook.

I heard he just moved in this morning and I haven't even seen him, but one thing is for sure, he's a fucking slut.

Doesn't he know that I could hear him through the walls, considering that his bedroom is directly next to mine??

"Oh come on, baby. Suck me more. Arrrgghh. Ohh, yeah."

"Urrghhh! I swear I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands once I see you!"

With heavy footsteps and clenched fists, I headed next door and aggressively knocked on his door. Fuck the buzzer, I just want him to know that he's being annoying as hell.

My knuckles were already hurting from all the knocking when he finally opened the door, but he just stuck his head out and didn't even bother showing his entire self.

Tss. I bet he's naked.

"Yes? You need anything? As you know it's already late."

I mindlessly rolled my eyes and scoffed at him. The audacity of this guy.

"Well, it's a good thing you know that it's already late mister. So can you just tune down whatever lewd sexual activity you have right there because I can clearly hear you."

"Oh, shoot. Really? I'm sorry. I'm actually watching porn. I just didn't bother disconnecting my laptop from the Bluetooth speaker since I thought that the walls are thick enough."

"Well, at least you already know that the walls here aren't soundproof."

"By the way I'm Tay and you are?"

"I don't care and you don't have to know."

"Okay, Mr I don't Care and You don't have to know, I'm sorry about that, but if you want you can actually watch with me."

"What the fuck? Urgh! Just keep quiet and use your earphones! The entire neighborhood can hear you moaning. Pervert!"

I immediately turned on my heels and stormed back to my room.

"Ugh! I hate that horny moron!"


"You were never together, New."

"What's with the sudden 'slapping me with the truth that I already know,' Gun?"

I glared at him but he just raised his eyebrows at me.

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