34th Madness

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"Hmmm. This tastes great," I beamed at Tay who had nothing but a black apron and white boxers on. It was an ordinary yet extraordinary Saturday morning as Tay suddenly offered to cook me breakfast-an occasion I didn't expect to happen considering how he almost burned my kitchen before.

After that incident with Namtan, I noticed a great change in Tay's mood and behavior. He seemed sweeter and at the same time, he seemed to be a little bit overprotective with me that I had to report my whereabouts whenever we were not together. I found it sweet though it sort of made me nervous at the same time. 

"Hey, do you have anything to tell me?" I decided to drop the question as he was just staring at me the entire time. 


The firmness in his tone made me a bit nervous, but he then broke into a wide grin before cupping my cheeks and squeezing them tightly. 

"I love you. That's what I want to say."

"Tss. You're way too cheesy nowadays it's starting to make me nervous."

"Why? Don't you like it?" 

"Well, I do. But it makes me think that something bad is gonna happen after this."

"Tss. You're just overthinking. Come on. Finish your breakfast. We're going somewhere."

"Where are you taking me this time?"

"It's a surprise. Come on. Let me feed you."

"Yaaah, I can feed myself."

"Come on, my love. Just one bite."

I chuckled as he grabbed a piece of sausage and placed it in between his lips before signaling me to take a bite.

"Tss. You're being naughty again, huh?" I pretended to frown before taking a bite but being the playful boyfriend that he was, he suddenly grabbed the back of my head and went in for a kiss, making it hard to chew the sausage. 

"Yaaaah! You thief! Stop stealing kisses from me already."

"Tss. As if you're not a thief yourself."

"I didn't steal anything from you, you asshole!"

"Of course, you did steal something, my love. You stole my heart from the very beginning."

I admit, his way of words always got me every time but I pretended to gag this time as I didn't want to spoil him so much with my cutesy yet genuine reactions. 

"Yucks. I'm gonna change clothes. Don't you dare peep on me!" I warned as I headed to my room and locked the door. 

He had been in my unit for almost a week and it proved to be one of the happiest days of my life. And it seemed that he had already talked to Namtan based on the apology message she sent me the other day.

"Babe! Aren't you done?"

"What are you so excited for?" I hissed at him as I got out of the room all prepped and ready to go to wherever that is.

Tay had also changed into fresh set of clothes and his intentionally disheveled hair just made him look twice as much delectable as he was before and I had this sudden urge to just curl up in bed and spend the entire day with him doing you already know what. 

But even before I could tell him what was on my mind, an excited smile lit up his face and I just didn't wanna disappoint him as he looked very excited.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed as he held out his hand, which I gladly took.


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