61st Madness

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I stifled a chuckle as New munched on the food we bought on the way. He was not even done swallowing the burger he just bit but he already stuffed a whole bunch of fries in his mouth.

"Love, slow down. You might choke," I commented as I passed him a bottle of water.

He didn't answer but instead tapped my my arm several times as we passed by a stall selling some waffles.

"I...whant," he struggled as he tried swallowing the food in his mouth.

"How many do you want?" I asked as I pulled over by the side of the road.

He gestured two fingers to me as he chugged down the remaining contents of the bottle.

"Okay. Wait for me here."

Several customers were lined up at the stall so it would take some time to get my order but I patiently waited as New seemed to have really wanted to it them.


We successfully closed the deal with the investors but they specifically asked for your presence in the next meeting. Just where are you right now? You normally don't skip important meetings.

I just ignored Rafael's message and proceeded with placing my orders. I was supposed to meet some clients but New said he missed his parents so I took a leave from work and let Rafael take care of everything.

I was on the way back to the car when I noticed that New wasn't in there.

"New?? New??" I panicked as I tried to search for him around the area and almost dropped to the ground when I saw him in the nearby store buying some candied apples.

"Love! You scared me. Please, don't just leave like that," I said as I held his arm and pulled him closer to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. The apples just look so cute and I want to try them."

"Did you get everything you want?"

He cutely nodded as he showed me the plastic bag containing several candied apples. "Yep!"

See? How can I be mad at him when he's this cute??

"Okay, let's go back to the car then."

He gladly obliged and even bragged at how he managed to convince the seller to give him a free apple.

He then stayed quiet during the ride as he was busy eating all the food we bought and I had this urge to stop the car and just watch him as he ate with so much gusto.

"Are you sure you don't want one?" he asked as he held a waffle close to my mouth.

"I'm good, love."


He must have been so full as he fell asleep during the rest of the trip. He even rubbed his stomach several times signifying that he had too much to eat.

"Love, we're here."

I slowly shook his arm but he just swatted it away before running his hands through his hair.

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