1. Just My Luck...

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"Y/N, GET UP!" comes a familiar voice from outside my door, before it crashes open and a familiar face rushes in. Andy Biersack, I've known him since before we were even old enough to walk, let alone understand the concept of friendship. Our parents were close friends in highschool and have stayed close since, meaning we basically grew up together.

"No," I whine, pulling my blanket over my face as he flicks the light switch on, flooding my room in the bright white light emanating from the bulb above my head. "C'mon," he pulls the blanket off my face, "too early." I state, covering my eyes with my arm, "dude, we gotta get to school," he chuckles and I groan, before sitting up and glaring at him. "Fine," I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and step over to my closet, digging through and finally settling on something.

I shove Andy out of my room, laughing as he fights back, pushing back. He gives up unexpectedly, causing him to fall to the floor halfway out my door, I fall on top of him. He smirks "well hello," he laughs, I feel my face heat up and quickly stand, clearing my throat. "I'll uh... I'll meet you downstairs," I manage to breathe out and he smiles, standing "alrighty," he quickly walks down the stairs, plopping down on the couch.

I rush back into my room, closing my door and sliding down against it. What the fuck is wrong with me? I sigh, standing back up and quickly getting dressed before rushing into my bathroom to finish up.

~however long it takes~

I slowly walk down the stairs, trying my best not to make eye contact with Andy as I grab my messanger bag from beside the couch. He looks over at me as I open the door, "well, c'mon" I laugh as he jumps off the couch, running out of the house.

As I step out and lock the door, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. My face heats up, why?! This is a normal occurence why does it suddenly bother me? "Are you gonna stare at the door or can we go? The guys left us..." he trails off, snapping me out of my trancelike state. I throw a smile onto my face and nod, hoping I didnt look like a tomato. "Yeah, sorry... let's go!" With that we run down the sidewalk, trying to catch up with our friends.

They all moved here at different times and Andy and I took them in when we noticed they were like us... "Different." CC moved here while we were still in elementary school and he's became the person I'm closest to, well besides Andy. CC's like a brother to me, but Andy's... okay, I'm not going to keep denying the fact that I've had a huge crush on him since 9th grade... we're 12th graders now, highschool seniors and that crush has refused to fade. Ashley came later on the same year as CC, it's crazy to think that we were considered "weird" and "different" even in elementary. Jake came mid-6th grade year and seemed to have a hard time finding his people, so obviously we offered for him to join our group. Jinxx, well his name is Jeremy, but he hates it, He came late freshman year (9th grade) and being new in a school and considered different isnt a good thing for anyone, so, again we took him in. We've been in enough fights the past three years that no one messes with us, we arent exactly feared, but Andy did put a guy in the hospital once...

As we're walking, CC pulls me back behind everyone else, a huge grin on his face "you like Biersack, don't you?" He asks, and my eyes widen as my face heats up. I never told anyone... "n-no, why would you say that?" I ask cluelessly, "you were staring." I look down at my black converses as we walk and he laughs "damn, you should tell him." He states and I look back up at him with wide eyes "I could never-"

Andy steps back towards us, "tell who what?" He asks in confusion, "Y/N-" I cut CC off, slapping my hand over his mouth. Ashley steps up behind Andy and smirks, I know my face is bright red at this point, I can feel it. "I think Y/N-" before he can finish, Jake smacks the back of his head "leave her alone guys, if she doesnt wanna talk about it right now she doesnt wanna talk about it." He states and I send a thankful glance in his direction, before I feel something wet touch my palm. I pull my hand quickly away from CC, wiping it on his shirt "gross," I say quietly as he laughs.

"Did you lick her hand?" Andy ask, amusement dancing in his eyes, the concern and confusion still hiding behind it. CC just nods, laughing harder and falling down onto the concrete. "Its not really that funny," I chuckle and he nods "I know!" He says between giggles, carefully trying to stand himself back up.

After a while, we finally make it to hell, I mean, school... I follow the guys up the steps and we all separate to go to our lockers. Did I mention that mine and Andy's lockers are side by side? Or that we have every class, except art together? Just my luck...

As I dig through my locker for my sketch book, Andy leans on his beside me, "so you wanna tell me what's up?" He asks, and I look to the floor "not right now." I state and his shoulders drop "okay..." he trails off and I feel bad, but I can't tell him. He pulls the stuff for his class from his locker and shuts it, walking me to art class as usual before going to his own.

I step into the room and plop down at my desk, before a set of hands land on my desk in front of me and an all to familiar voice speaks up "hey there Sugar..."


This chapter isnt that great, but it will get better (hopefully) I promise 🤣

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