2. Keep It

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"Hey there Sugar..."

Gerard Way. I used to be friends with his younger brother Mikey, he's a few years younger than us, but he's cool...

"Can I help you?" I ask, looking up at him and he smirks "yes, you can give me your new number or stop ignoring my messages..." he trails off, Gerard and I used to be friends, until we dated for a little while and he broke up with me for some girl named Lindsey who isn't even in the same damn state. "No," I state and he slouches over in defeat "c'mon Y/N, can't we move past what happened? It was a year ago and I was stupid!" He whines, moving to his seat next to me. "Absolutely not! That hurt Gerard, you can't fix that," I say quietly and he stops arguing, moving his focus to the sketchbook in front of him.

He stays silent for most of the class period until theres only five minutes left and everyone is packing up. "Y/N, can we please just be friends again at least?" He asks quietly, I sigh and turn to him "okay, fine," I respond, exasperated and ready for the day to end. A wide grin takes over his face and he pulls me into a hug, from which I pull away, laughing awkwardly. "Too soon," I state and he nods, "okay okay." The bell finally rings and he walks me to my history class, which is fairly uneventful.

Finally lunch approaches and I walk quickly out to the bleachers where the guys all sit in a group. "Hey guys," I smile and they all turn to me, tossing various greetings in my direction. Lunch passes as usual with everyone cracking dumb jokes and laughing at eachother. Well, that is until I feel an arm over my shoulder and turn slightly, only to discover, of course it's Andy... I feel my face heat up and try my best to hide it. Again, this is normal, what the fuck Y/N?!

He glances at me from the corner of his eye and I swear I see him smirk for a moment. Suddenly my shoes become so interesting I just cant look away from them. I shiver lightly as a cold gust of wind blows through, trying my best to hide it. Andy turns to me "you cold?" He asks and I shake my head lightly, before another slight shiver passes through my body. He smiles and shakes his head, pulling his leather jacket off and dropping it over my shoulders. "There, better?" He asks, a wide grin taking over his face, "yeah, but wont you be-" he cuts me off "I'll be fine."

About ten more minutes pass and I find myself spacing out, but snap back to reality when I feel something bump my waist. I look down to find Andy digging through the inside pocket of his jacket, finally fishing out a cigarette carton.

"Sorry," he smiles shyly, "you seemed very interested in the grass and I didnt wanna disturbed you," he laughs, referring to the fact I had spaced out. He opens up the carton, pulling out a cancer stick and setting it between his lips, "can you hand me the lighter, it's in the same pocket the cigarettes were in..." he trails off and I nod lightly, pulling out the lighter and handing it to him. He lights the cigarette between his lips and hands me the carton and lighter to put back in his pocket.

The rest of class passes in a similar fashion. The bell rings and I move to give Andy his jacket back, only for him to stop me. "Keep it, looks better on you anyways," he flashes me a smile and I become interested in the concrete "a-are you sure?" I ask, "yeah, I've got another at home" I can practically hear his smile widening. Why is he like this? He's to nice... but he's been my bestfriend forever, that's the only reason he acts the way he does toward me, probably just thinks of me like a sister or something.

Despite convincing myself of this fact, I couldn't help but spend the rest of my classes deep in thought. I found myself staring at him a lot and quickly looking away when he noticed.

Our final class of the day was math and that's when he finally said something. "Y/N, are you alright?" He asks, concern laced through his voice. "Wh-what?" I ask "I'm fine, what w-would make you th-thank otherwise?" I ask as his blue eyes meet mine, "you dont seem okay... you've been staring and when we make eye contact you look away," he says simply, the concern more clear in his voice.

"Oh... sorry, just not... feeling so well." I say as an excuse, but the truth is, I really havent been feeling to well I've been having heavy migraines recently and my panic attacks have been more frequent, along with shortness of breath.

The rest of the class passes slowly, I try to focus on whatever the teachers talking about, but I cant seem to focus. My head throbs and my breaths become a little shallow. Every now and then, I catch Andy glancing at me, his beautiful blue eyes filled with concern.

He class finally ends and he carries my books for me as we walk to our lockers. "Andy, I can do it myself..." I breathe out, rubbing my forehead to relieve a bit of the pain. "No, you're not feeling well, I got it." He signals for me to open my locker, which I do and he shoves my books onto the shelf, closing and locking it back quickly.

The walk home is a little crazy, until CC pulls me back to talk again. "Did you tell him yet?" He asks, a hint of excitement in his voice, "No CC, I didn't." I roll my eyes as a cough causes me to stop, "woah..." he carefully holds me up so I dont collapse to the concrete as I pull a hand up to my face, wiping away what I assumed to be spit from my lips.

As I pull my hand away to wipe it away, I recognize the dark red liquid coating my finger tips. "What the fuck?"

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