Chapter 16

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"Good morning, Yokoo! Good morning, Satou!" Kou exclaimed as he entered the classroom with a very wide grin, "Lovely day isn't it?"

"Looks like someone had a good weekend," Yokoo chuckled.

Their little ball of sunshine is usually a bit groggy on Monday mornings but now he's oddly brighter. Literally. They could see subtle light beams and flowers surrounding him.

Satou nodded in agreement, "What happened?"

Kou grinned wider at the question and gave out a tiny squeal as he dashed in-between his friends. He then wrapped his arms around their neck and brought them closer, "Okay! Listen carefully!"

His friends looked at each other, confused, but went along with it anyway. They'd love to hear what shenanigans Kou is up to, "Alright! Now. Yesterday, I went on a- ACK!"

Yokoo and Satou watched Kou get hit by a random schoolbag as he fell flat on the floor, groaning. They stared at him and blinked before shifting their heads to face the suspect.

"Mitsuba?" They questioned synchronously.

The pinkette smirked and rested his hand on his hip, "The one and only~" He purred, "Oh, and good morning by the way"

Yokoo smiled, "Yeah, good morning to you to-"


The three boys flinched when Kou suddenly exclaimed and sprinted towards Mitsuba with open arms.

Mitsuba raised his hands and waved it around, trying to signal the blonde to stop running, "EeK! Wait! Wai-!"

Kou jumped and embraced the boy, causing both of them to crash on the floor. The two other boys winced when they heard a loud, painful thud. It's early in the morning and they're already causing such a ruckus, the homeroom teacher won't be pleased if they walked into this.

"Ouch..." Mitsuba grunted. He cursed under his breath and opened his eyelids. His vision was a little blurry but he could see a yellow blob on top of him, "What the-?"

He squeaked when the blob pulled him upwards, causing him to sit on his knees. Again, he squeaked once more when he was squeezed into another tight hug.

"Good morning~!" A familiar voice greeted.

Mitsuba stiffened and faced the hugger. As expected, it was the goofy blonde causing an unnecessary scene early in the morning.

"Stop it, idiot!" He harshly whispered with a noticeable blush on his face, "People are staring! Didn't we agree to mostly keep it a secret?"

"Oh... oops," Kou nervously chuckled while scratching the back of his head, "Uh... I mean... How dare you hit me with a bag!"

Mitsuba facepalmed at Kou's poor attempt at acting 'mad' as if he wasn't all cheery and hug-y a few seconds ago. He huffed and covered his pink-tinted face, "Just get off of me, please."

Yokoo and Satou watched the boys sloppily stand up while exchanging hushed words to each other that they couldn't comprehend.

"They're acting weirder than usual," Satou stated, "Something definitely happened."

The taller boy agreed, "Yeah, but was it a good thing or a bad thing?"

One last time, they gazed at their friends, who still seemed to be having a secret conversation, and looked at each other. Satou was about to confront the two but the morning bell cut him off.

Students began to fill the room, placing themselves on their assigned seats. Soon, a teacher arrived. Yokoo placed a hand on Satou's shoulder to gain his attention and said, "Let's just figure it out later."

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