"Here we are.."

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Alright lets continue from dragon ball Z UnU

Tubbo POV(?)

I'm scared.

I wanna go to tommy but someone is blocking him from me.

Who is it?

He smiles at me, I don't smile back.

How do I know I can trust him?

Well he's not hurting Tommy...

My thoughts rushed in, but all of the sudden-

"What's your name son?"

The winged man asked me a question,okay I better reply quickly.


"That's a nice name toby. Do you have a nickname you want us to call you?"


'I do! What i'm i saying?'

I look up to see tommy. He was confused and I think I know why...

I come inside the house and we seem to be in the living room. This was a really big house! My old home was very small, but I still liked it...

He sat me on the couch with Tommy and someone came in the room.

"Do you have a home? Or someone I could call? Are you hungry? I can get some food for you."

He was asking so many questions and I didn't know how to answer.

Tommy noticed i was scared and confused, so then he said this-

"Dad! Calm down! You're scaring him!"

Tommy tried to say it not as loud as he normally would but since he was right next to me it was, I covered my ears and moved into a ball.

Everyone was staring at me.

I could feel their eyes lasering me.

I was scared.

Too scared.

I started crying.

'Stop crying!'

'Your gonna get even more hurt!'

'Just shut up!'

'Your such a crybaby'

"I-I'm sorry" I look at tommy.

"Im such a crybaby, i'm so sorry!"

I flung into Tommy's arms, giving him a hug. He returned the hug back.

I was crying everywhere. I kept saying I'm sorry with my teary voice.

Third person POV

Phil was a bit shocked but luckily techno was calm and tried to handle the situation. A couple minutes later the crying stopped. Tubbo fell asleep in Tommy's arms.

Techno carried Tubbo to Tommy's room and placed him on tommys bed.

Phil was trying to get Tommy to say anything in general. He was so quiet, Which is super weird.

"Tommy, come on.Say something bud"

Techno came back down and tommy immediately asked,

"Is tubbo ok? Can I see him?"


"Yes, tubbos fine and only if dad says so" Techno replies.

"Wait, wait, wait... Who is Tubbo?" Phil said in confusion.

"Its toby dad, I'm pretty sure it's a nickname," techno answers.

"Oh." Phil was for some reason upset about it. He wasn't sure why he just was.

" Also,Yes you can go." Phil said to Tommy.

Tommy third POV

Tommy ran up the stairs and into his room, where he saw tubbo sleeping. He had tear stains on his face but other than that he looked fine.

"Uh tubbo?" He said quietly just in case he was still asleep.

"Mhm" tubbo replied, confirming he was listening

"How ya feeling?" Tommy didn't know what to say, he was a bit nervous but he didn't know why.

"Sleepy" tubbo said groggily.

"Ok...can I sleep with you?" (This isn't romantic there 5 :/)

"Sure" Tubbo schooched and made some space, Tommy laid next to him. They ended up hugging each other in their sleep. (Awee)

Philza third person POV

"I'm Going to my office"


Philza went up to his office to check files on Toby to see if he could find out more about this 'mystery kid'...

(i forgot to publish this so sorry! make sure to take a break for the screen and look/play outside!) 615 words pog!

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