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I slumped on the the floor, practically lifeless. How could Sky do this to me? What's going on in his head?Tears streaked my cheeks and I chocked on my every disappearing breath. First, my house burned down, second, my parents were in the hospital and lastly, my boyfriend kidnapped me . . . the pain of it stabbed me. After hours of sobbing, an obvious thought struck me.

I darted up, rushed to my bag and zipped open the front pocket. I dove my hand into it, searching for my cell phone. My heart sped it's pace as I found it and let the phone glow it's blue light in the dim room. The power was at 1%.

"No,no,no," I gaped.

I quickly dialed 911 and a woman's voice sounded, "911, what's your emergency?"

"Help me," I whined, "I've been kidnapped by my boyfriend."

"Hold on," a shakiness was in her voice, "Tell me, where are you?"

"I-I don't know."

"What's your name?"

"Elise," I stopped talking, the screen of my phone turned black before I could utter my name.

 I tapped the power button over and over. A feeling of desperation struck me, this could be the end . . . . I hyperventilated, my breath clouded in front of me. My surrounding drew clearer. A chill made the air dead, a bed with a thin and rusted metal frame sat by itself on the right side of the room. The insects still hummed from outside the room. Dust thinly spread across the floor.

I choked on my air and crumpled on the floor, hugging my knees.

What else could I do? My thoughts were dulled and nonsupporting, they didn't provide the ideas I needed to escape Sky's plans . . .  whatever they may have been. I darted up. I started kicking in the door, attempting to bring it down. It was useless. It was as if he barricaded the other side and with my little strength, it appeared impossible. I spun in circles. The tiny rectangular window at the top of the wall, perhaps I could fit my body through it?

I rushed to the bed and lugged myself underneath the window, the frame scraping the soft wooden floor. Getting on top of the bed, I hopped toward the window, trying to reach the edge of it. I couldn't. Curse my shortness, I thought. I kept jumping. When I reached it, my eyes peered over, dawn started to peek through the crooked trees and I lost my grip quickly, I lost my balance and plummeted, my fingers caught a tear in the wallpaper and it came ripping down with me.

The floor cracked underneath me. At least I fell on my butt. The yellowed paper sat in my hands, curled and covered with grey flowers. I frowned, tears dripped from my eyes, touching the fragile paper.

I croaked, "Why'd you have to do this to me?"

A rumbling erupted from the room next to mine, I glanced over in that dirrection, my eyes wide.

"Hello?" A male voice called, "I heard a bang?"

His voice wasn't Sky's.

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