At least there's food

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"Hello?" I called back, struggling to stand.

"Who are you?" his voice was deep and wavering.

"Elise, Sky's boyfri-no, sorry girlfriend."

He didn't respond.

I pressed against the wall his voice came from, "Who are you?"

"Why should I trust you?"

I grinned nervously, "I can say the same thing of you, has he kidnapped you too?"

He lowered his voice, "Yeah."

"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough not to know."

I paced the room and rubbed my temples, "We need to get out, we need to. We have no idea what he's thinking."

"He's going to kill us, that's what."

I frowned, "Don't say that . . . we need to have faith."

The rumbling of a motor sounded from in front of the house. He was back.

"Shut up, Elise, he's coming."

"I know," I turned around and picked up my bag, dumping it's contents on the floor. The papers and textbooks sprawled out; I began to sort through, trying to find something useful out of my schoolwork. The front door clicked closed. He boots stomped there way to my room, he twisted the door handle and the door creaked open. He stood there, bag in hand and a half smile on his face. I stared at him, frozen, my hands mixed in with the papers.

"Hi," he stepped through the doorway and shut it behind him, "I brought you something."

He sat crossed legged on the floor next to me, plastic bag in lap. Taking out a a water bottle, protein bar and sandwich, I slowly brought my arms around my stomach.

"Here," He held out the water bottle, "I bought you necessities."

I eyed it and then I eyed him, "What are you doing, Sky? I don't want to be here."

He touched my arm and I arched my shoulders. Don't touch me, I thought.

"Sweetheart, I'm keeping you safe."

"Safe from what?"

"The fire, silly."


"Don't worry, you're safe here, this is your home now," he stood up, "Call me if you need anything."

He left, I pulled the bag close to me and looked through it. He got me a chicken parm sub, at least he remembered what I liked, right? I tore through the plastic wrap around the sandwich and stared at it, wondering it was safe to eat. He could have poisoned it. He could have ruffied it.

I shrugged and bit into it, chewing slowly and savoring the flavor. Although I had been without food for twelve hours, I missed it like I hadn't had food in months. It was the most civilized part of this situation . . . . a sandwich.

From the room next to mine, arguing exploded. I darted up, dropping my food and listened.

"You psycho, get away from me," the guy yelled.

"Calm down, please," Sky shouted back.

"Why? Why? So you can torture me and kill me?"

"No, no."

"Then what?"

Sky didn't respond and before they could speak anymore, the clicking of heels entered the shack. Sky, I thought, have you kidnapped someone else?

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