9~ The day has finally come ~ Sophie, Agatha, Tedros

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"Aggie are you ok-"

Sophie and the rest of their friends burst into the room, fingers aglow.

Sophie walked over slowly to Tedros where he was holding two gorgeous, baby boys.

"Oh Teddy!" Sophie gasped, clutching her hands to her chest, tears welling in her eyes, "They are beautiful; they look just like you and Aggie."

"They sure do," said Hort, smiling.

The friends crowded around the king and his sons each ooing and awing at the next heirs.

No one noticed Agatha who was barely able to talk in her bed, extremely weak and exhausted.

"I wonder if they'll end up going to the school for good," questioned Dot peering at the two babies.

"Of course they will you ninny," replied Hester, "their parents are goods greatest defenders."

"Hey guys," Agatha wheezed from her bed, trying to prop herself up on pillows, "can I see my sons?"

"Oh Aggie! You look absolutely awful, are you ok?" Sophie dashed to her best friends side taking her clamy hand in hers.

Tedros walked towards his wife.

"Agatha, are you feeling ok? Do you need any medicine?" Tedros felt her forehead and wiped sweat from her brow.

"I'm quite ok, just need lots of rest," Agatha replied mustering a weary smile.

"Who could have thought we'd have twins," Tedros said, handing the dark haired baby over to his queen.

"Just like you and me, Sophie," Agatha breathed, stroking her sons head.

"Or Japeth and Rhian," Sophie said, in her own trance staring at the new born.

Agatha and Tedros fell silent; Sophie knew she had said the wrong thing for she stared down at her shoes.

An awkward silence hung in the air as king and queen comforted their children.

"So have you decided on names?" Sophie asked, trying to break the silence.

"Well actually, I have," Tedros stated.

"I always wanted to name mine and Agatha's child after Arthur, and Agatha wanted to name them after Callis so we came to the compromise that if we had a boy, they would be named after my father and if we had a girl they would be named after Agatha's mother."

"But we ended up having two boys so I thought one would be named Arthur and one named Cole because that is as close to 'Callis' as you can get name wise."

He shuffled uncomfortably as if a child showing his parents his artwork; unsure if they would like it or not.

"I think they are beautiful names," Agatha said, looking down at the baby she was holding.

"Cole... named after my mother."

Tedros handed her the second baby.

"...And Arthur, what a beautiful name."

Arthur and Cole fell quiet, at peace within their mothers arms.

Mother and children fell asleep almost instantly, Tedros joining at the side.

Sophie smiled to herself, this was the happy ending that was worth fighting for; all the pain and suffering and loss she and her friends had endured was worth it, just for this single moment.

Sophie joined her friends back outside the room, giving Hort a long kiss.

"Bet you want one now, don't you?" Hort asked as their lips parted.

"Oh they're not worth the hassle, they may be cute now but when they grow up they'll wish that they'd put them up for adoption."

Sophie saw the expression on Hort's face.

"Oh you know I'm joking and maybe there is a little possibility that I do secretly want one."

Hort gasped.

"But don't go getting any ideas!" She shoved her palm into Hort's face.

The couple laughed as they walked back to their room, hand in hand, deeply in love.

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