𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙆𝙡𝙚𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙌𝙞𝙦𝙞

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3rd Person POV

"Miss Y/n?"


"Where are you taking Qiqi?"

Y/n smiled down at the little zombie girl who's hand she held has they finally made it to Mondstadt.

"I'm taking you to meet a friend of mine and her big brother!" y/n chimed.

"A friend of yours?" Qiqi echoed.

"Mhm! She's around your age!" y/n chirped then squinted, "Eh... looks to be around your age."

Qiqi's eyes rounded, "Really?"

"Really." y/n said with a nod.

Y/n guessed that because of what happened to Qiqi, she didn't get to play with many children her age.

Getting to meet Klee would be the perfect opportunity for Qiqi to get her childhood back and get the chance to experience the things that she had never been given the chance to experience.

"Big Sis Y/n!" a new voice chimed in and y/n's face lit up a little when a dot of red in the distance slowly got closer and closer until y/n saw that it was Klee.

The girl was running full speed, eyes bright while Albedo ran after her.

'He's kinda struggling to keep up.' y/n noted then chuckled, 'Cute.'

"Y/n! It's been forever! Have you gone on a ton of fun adventures? Did you fight bad guys? Monsters? Dragons!?" Klee demanded, hugging y/n while Qiqi quickly quickly behind y/n's leg.

Y/n thought for a moment, "Are Primo Geovishaps considered dragons...?"

"Hah... hah... Klee-" Albedo said in between his attempts to catch his breath, "Don't... run so fast-"

"Sorry!" Klee chirped then blinked curiously as the little girl who shyly hid behind y/n, using her cloak as cover, "Y/n? Who's that?"

Y/n nudged Qiqi out of the safety of her cloak and placed a hand atop the girl's head, "Klee, this is Qiqi! Qiqi, this is Klee!"

"Hello." both girls said in usion.

"Klee, be nice to Qiqi. She's a little shy." y/n told the little blonde girl who nodded.

"Qiqi? Do you like flowers?" Klee inquired and Qiqi looked thoughtful.

"Yes, Qiqi likes flowers. But Qiqi doesn't like flowers that attack." Qiqi replied and Klee smiled.

"You mean Whopperflowers?"

"What are Whopperflowers?"

"They're getting along well." Albedo commented, having walked over to stand beside y/n as they watched two children talk.

"Yeah, I'm glad to see Qiqi interacting with another kid." y/n hummed then sighed, "It's sad that she lost her life at a young age. Not only did she lose her memories but she lost her entire childhood."

Before Albedo could reply, Klee and Qiqi grabbed y/n's hands and began dragging her away.

"Hm? Where are we going?" y/n asked, allowing herself to be dragged.

"Qiqi wanted to see a Cryo Regisvine! She said there's only a pyro one in Liyue so we're gonna go fight one!" Klee explained.

"But you have to come. Qiqi and Klee want you to help us fight it." Qiqi added.

"Huh? What about Albedo?" y/n laughed.

Qiqi observed Albdeo then said, "No."

Y/n wheezed while Klee let go of her to go grab Albedo's hand and drag him along.

They got to the cave in no time and y/n was a little confused as to why they weren't moving. Then she realized everyone was looking at her.

"What?" she questioned.

"Can you show us your axe again? I haven't seen it in a long time and Qiqi hasn't seen it before!" Klee asked and y/n hummed quietly.

"Sure I guess..." she murmured, pulling her axe out of no where and pressing her hand against the blade.

In a moment, the cool metal was hot to the touch, now a fiery red color as heat radiated off of it.

Both little girls stared at y/n's axe with wide, sparkling eyes as she stretched a little before jumping down into the cave below, slamming her axe down on the unsuspecting flower's corolla.

Both Klee and Qiqi cheered, the zombie girl much quieter while Albedo watched in slight concern for the h/c haired girl.

Last time she fought a Cryo Regisvine, she slipped on the ice and cracked several bones in her arm. SEVERAL.

And get this, she shrugged off the pain and kept swinging around that massive axe.

She was banned from using her wounded arm until it healed. She wouldn't listen at first but after Albedo gave her a warning, she bit back her complaints and obeyed, giving her arm time to heal.

Maybe this time she would be more careful and try to avoid slipping.

Albedo audibly sighed when y/n screeched, her legs flailing before she slipped on the ice and slowly slid to the side, staring up with wide eyes.

"This girl..." he muttered, hopping down into the cave to help the stunned girl.

"Okay, Qiqi! Let's go help big sister!" Klee exclaimed and Qiqi nodded before the two glided into the cave after Albedo.


"Three... two... and UP!"

Klee squealed with delight when y/b tossed her in the air then caught her, adorning a bright smile as she did so.

"Your turn, Qiqi!" y/n chirped as the little zombie girl nodded and wandered over, reaching up for y/n.

Albedo watched as the h/c haired female picked up Qiqi then tossed her in the air with a, "WHEEEEEEE!"

Y/n threw her higher than intended and had to wait a couple of seconds before Qiqi came falling back down right into her arms.

"Again." Qiqi ordered and Klee puffed out her cheeks, hands on her hips.

"Hey! It's my turn now!" she complained.

"I can toss you both!" y/n chirped, picking up Klee, "You two ready?"

The two girls nodded before y/n threw them into the air with a huff, watching as they briefly became tiny specks in the sky before they began falling back towards the ground.

Y/n caught Qiqi first then Klee, easily holding both of the girls without much effort.

"Y/n." Albedo called and y/n looked at him curiously with e/c eyes.

He nearly forgot how to breathe.

"It's getting dark." he informed her, pointing ti the sky where the stars were becoming visible.

"Does that mean Qiqi has to go home?" Klee asked with a disappointed expression.

"Yeah... Mister Baizhu will probably be worried about her." y/n murmured then smiled, "But we can always plan more time for you and Qiqi to play!"

"Qiqi would like that." the little zombie girl chimed in with a ghost of a smile, "Qiqi had fun today."

Klee's eyes sparkled, "I did too! Next time, we can go bomb fishing!"

"Oh no..." Albedo murmured but it was drowned out by y/n's, "OH YEAH!"

"Come on, Qiqi! We should hurry back to Liyue!" y/n chirped, watching with a fond smile as Qiqi gave Klee a hug then gave one to Albedo before grabbing y/n's hand.

"Bye!" Y/n exclaimed while Qiqi waved to Klee and Albedo as they began heading back to Liyue Harbor together.

(The amount of people who don't know what a cellar is greatly concerns me...)

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