𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮/𝙣

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(xXAnimeBossXx here is the second part, I hope you enjoy it! ^^)

Characters Included

- Hu Tao

- Klee

- Qiqi

- Aether

- Childe

- Ganyu

- Xiao

- Amber

- Paimon

- Diona

Author: Ahem...

Hu Tao

Hu Tao: You know, y/n's smile is the thing I notice most about her. It's always so bright and warm! Even so, it could mean a ton of different things.

Hu Tao: Like... she really wants to kill you but is deciding to wait. That cute little nervous smile of hers that makes her voice go just a little higher. Her angry smile, the one where she looks like she's about to lunge across the table and tackle you. And, of course, her happy smile! Her eyes sparkle and her entire face lights up.

Hu Tao: In general, I love to see her smile of get excited. She's like a little kid when it comes to learning new things and it's adorable!


Klee: Big sis y/n is the best! The best of the best! She's really nice and always covers for me when Jean catches us using bombs!

Klee: Big sis always has food with her and she finds the best spots to watch the sun rise and set! And don't tell anyone I said this but she knows how to bake...!

Klee: She once made a ton of cinnamon rolls, brought them to the Knights of Favonius and left them there for the Knights to enjoy! They were really good but she hasn't baked very recently. Nor has she visited in a while. I wonder why...


Qiqi: Y/n? Hm...

Qiqi: Y/n is really nice and always has coconut when she comes to visit. I feel very warm when y/n gives me hugs. Maybe that's cause it makes me happy.

Qiqi: Or it's because y/n is overheated from running from Mondstadt to Liyue Harbor. That's why I like her. She goes the extra mile for me and the other people she cares about. Literally and figuratively.

Qiqi: I'm happy to have y/n as a big sister. I hope she never stops visiting.


Aether: In all honesty, y/n is a handful...

Aether: However, she's refreshing to be around when she wants to. If I'm feeling upset about something, she'll encourage me. Sure, she's a little aggressive and has probably broken several of my bones from pinning me against a wall of several occasions to get my attention.

Aether: I guess her voice is my favorite thing about her. Yes, her voice and her eyes. She has very expressive eyes.

Aether: Very recently, I haven't been able to see as much emotion through her eyes. She doesn't seem focused either. Like she's... thinking about something very important...


Childe: Hm... y/n is a complicated person. She's used to holding back tears or pretending not to care. She shows affection through small, simple actions. Holding hands is one of them! Holding hands is her number one way of showing affection and I love how her hand fits in mine!

Childe: Even though y/n tries to avoid showing weakness, she does break down into tears from time to time. She has a lot she's thinking about and as far as I know, there's only ten or less people who know of what her plans are.

Childe: I wish I could do more to help her but it's best to let her do this alone. The most I can do is offer my support and my comfort regardless of whether or not she says she wants it.


Ganyu: For the time I've known y/n, I've noticed a couple things about her. She's awfully good at staying focused when she has a good reason to do so.

Ganyu: I like how considerate and selfless she is. She'll drop everything she had planned to help me with work if I'm feeling overwhelmed. She'll even take over for a little bit so I can take a break and rest up.

Ganyu: Though she can be a little scary sometimes, she's really sweet and is actually a huge softy despite how she may act around others. She cares about the people she trusts.

Ganyu: And even if she has no idea what she's doing, she'll still try her best to get things done.


Xiao: Y/n is a forgiving person. If a person who already has her trust, respect and her heart hurts her in anyway, she'll forgive them as soon as they apologize. She'll desperately try to talk reason into someone she loves who's about to do something and will even resort to violence but it's all because she cares. If she didn't, she'd leave.

Xiao: Her kindness and forgiveness are likely to be taken advantage of someday if she isn't careful. If she were to be betrayed by anyone else she cares for, it'd likely break her completely.

Xiao: You'd think she sleeps like a rock but she's always active in her sleep. Whatever dreams she had definitely aren't pleasant and sometimes I wonder if I should wake her up or just hug her in hopes that it'll help at least a little.

Xiao:... and she's clingy. Very clingy.


Amber: One of the things I like most about y/n is her ability to adjust. There was a time where she had to wear a dress and after many complaints, she gave in.

Amber: I hardly recognized her. Her posture was perfect, she walked so confidently. The only reason I knew it was her was because of her scowl.

Amber: Another thing is how kind she is. She'll help out anyone she deems innocent or in need of assistance. She'll even protect them with her life and even oppose her friends if the situation arises. You know, a few of her scars have come from getting into fights she wasn't likely to win.

Amber: Haha, that doesn't stop her though. She always comes out on top. Doesn't matter if she's losing blood, has broken bones or is even on the verge of collapsing. She'll keep fighting for the sake of whoever she has promised to protect.

Amber: Sometimes I wonder if she's even human, haha. The girl is crazy strong.


Paimon: Well, Paimon likes y/n's stubbornness but sometimes it gets really concerning and kinda scary.

Paimon: Once, Paimon watched her get an insane amount of wounds but refused help. She kept going until she reached Dragonspine then kind adjust flopped face first in the snow

Paimon: Just recently, she started refusing to stay in bed all day and actually jumped out the window one several occasions. Paimon gets that she prefers being outside but this is getting out of hand. She's going to get hurt.


Diona: Y/n? The first time we met, she stared at my ears and tail a lot. She looked confused like she couldn't figure out what I was.

Diona: It was a little annoying at first but when she actually started talking to me, I found her quite enjoyable to be around.

Diona: She always knows where to find the perfect ingredients for new recipes. She even introduced me to her friend in Liyue who always finds the craziest ingredients for food! With y/n's help, I've been able to create a total of eleven new drinks! She has a strong stomach so she's typically my taste tester.

Diona: She's always nice to me but tends to get a little... scary... when I talk bad about Diluc. Otherwise, she's sweet.

(Whew, all done)

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