Chapter 2

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Hiro still has a few things left to do before he takes off for Switserstan in a few days, all the while your memory lurks at the back of his mind. He hopes that he'll see you one last time. He thinks you're avoiding him, ever since he heard about moving he hasn't seen you, he contemplates going to your house and asking you to come with him. But no. He couldn't. He thinks you'll call him a freak and slam the door in his face.

Hiro tells himself every day, if it's meant to be, you'll find each other again.


You kept your eyes sealed shut; not wanting to acknowledge the fact it was morning. Your eyes slowly peel open only to be awakened by fresh snow outside your window, ironically enough the year had just begun.

Making your coffee the note with his number catches your eye again. You don't really think much of it, slipping in the close of your computer for later.

A few hours later you get a call from Honey Lemon "__, please tell me you did it"

You don't really want to disappoint her, but you can't lie to her, " no, I didn't"

"Why not,__, You have nothing to lose, your job portable, all you have to do is take your laptop and some clothes and get out of here" she jokes.


"Enough with the Buts, the what-ifs and the maybes, who is Hiro to you? a friend or more than a friend."

She's right, besides if it blows up in your face you can just move back. Your job pays well and you're not struggling with money.

You decide to go for a walk to clear your head, you'll deal with it once your home. But, before leaving you text Honey Lemon again 'hey, do you know what day Hiro is leaving?'

'yes, he is leaving in 3 days

'Thank you

three days is more than enough time to make the decision.


For the last two years, Hiro had been living in a drab, black-and-white world, filled with only tones of grey. With you, who was beautiful, smart and adorable, it was as if everything had exploded into glorious colour. You had woken him, breathed new life into him. He knew he couldn't let you go. But, he had to. Right?


It is 3 am, you're biting your fingernails starring at the empty screen, contemplating sending him 'hey, it's __ __" Nope. Delete. "Hey, I love you and wanna move halfway across the world with you' Delete. 'Hi, Hiro!' No. Delete! Ugh, why is this so hard!

You melt into the sofa, letting it take in your figure. Rubbing circular motions around your temple, what do you do?

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