Chapter 3

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Turning off the tap with the edge of your toe, your eyes land back onto your kindle. The screen fogging up due to the hot water below, you flicked your wrist outside of the bath, trying to get it somewhat dry before you spread it across the screen, wiping away the fog. You slide down, letting the boiling water seep into your bones.

Your favourite book, a nice hot bubble bath and snow outside your window, it was the perfect Friday evening, well, to you at least because you were more than certain that most of your friends would much rather be at a party, intoxicated.

Thinking of parties your mind drifted into a reminiscence.

The large party hall dimly lit with neon lights flashing in every direction. You hated parties and you don't quite understand how your friends managed to convince you to come in the first place. Your head rested on your hand, thinking about all the comic books you've got placed on order. Typical __, daydreaming about nerdy things, while she could be doing cool stuff with her friends.

The party was starting to get boring; you huff a sigh of annoyance, you knew that if you asked your friend if you could leave, they'd beg you to stay and you weren't in the mood to hear her whining.

Flattening down your red skirt, you push your glasses up the bridge of your nose a small frown on your face. Hiro, who is at the bar, notice you sitting alone, he had no clue who you were, but he sure thought you were gorgeous.

He started to approach you; you were too lost in your own thoughts to notice him.

"HI," he says noticeably loudly, you didn't think it was for you so your continued getting lost in your mind. But the gentle tap on your shoulder made you leap out of your thoughts, and it sort of frightened you. You swing your head back with wide eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

His soft brown eyes met yours, you dropped your shoulders in relief "no, no it's fine."

"That's good then," he says, plopping down beside you. "Mind if I buy ya a drink?"

"Oh, that's really nice of you, but I don't drink." You says, a little embarrassed.

"Me neither," he chuckles, lifting up his drink to meet your gaze, before swirling it around. "It's apple juice." He shoots you a playful wink, which makes you laugh.


The rest of the night was so much fun, chatting about your interests, on the rooftop admiring the pretty, velvet blue sky swirling around the horizon.

You remember it to be one of the best night ever, considering how much you dreaded going. But that was how it all started, then you bumped into him almost every time you left the house as if the universe was trying to get you two together.

But now the universe keeps separating you. Maybe it wasn't meant to be after all. But maybe, maybe it was.

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