(TVD) Klaroline- Take A Chance, I Dare You.

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''I believe you owe me a date, says a smug Klaus. I turn to look at him. I did know what he was talking about, but I pretended I didn't. ''What date?'' I asked. I don't know why I was surprised when he answered back immediately, he always does it. ''I was promised a date in return for one of my Hybrids to save Elena.'' I rolled my eyes. ''Yeah, I meant the movies or something so we wouldn't have to talk. And there would be like three seats in between us.''

''Well, I rather something more..... realistic.'' I ignored him for a moment. I was suppost to be orginising Miss Mystic Falls for tomorrow, since I was last years winner, but instead I was here talking about going on a date with Klaus.

"Fine," I say. "Meet me here tomorrow for Miss Mystic Falls, 2PM.''

I walked up the stairs and just about made it into the building before I heard Klaus say, ''See you tomorrow, Caroline,'' in his English accent. It almost made me smile.

When I woke up the next morning, I dived straight off the bed and put my top and shorts on. As soon as I was ready to leave, I drove to the Lockwood house and was ready to host.

''Everything looks perfect.'' I jumped when I heard the voice. ''God, Klaus. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?'' He chuckled slightly. ''Hmm. It wouldn't be much of a date if you did, would it?''

I was going to answer him with a sarcastic voice, but something cought my eye. ''Is that your brother, Elijah?"

Klaus turned and looked where my eyes looked. ''How unexpected,'' he mumbled. ''I thought I daggered him."

Someone must of took the dagger out. Oops.

''Elijah? Hey!'' I call over to him. Me and Elijah have always been friends. He's not like the rest of his family, he's calm and can actually act human. He was like my guy best friend.

Elijah walked up to me and said, ''Hello Caroline.''

''My best friend has been daggered for weeks, and when he comes back, I don't even get a hug.''

He chuckled. Then he picked me up in a hug and swung me around.

''Thats more like it,'' I say. ''So, come on. Spill it. Who pulled the dagger out?''


''Damon?" I raise an eyebrow. ''Wow, he actually has a heart.''

"Perhaps so," Elijah shrugs, "Now. Where did my dear brother run off too?"

I try my best not to roll my eyes when I reply, ''Over at the wine.

Elijah's eyes darkened for the briefest moment. I guess I would be angry too if any of my family members daggered me. "I shall have to speak with him later."

I just nod. My eyes dart from the steps to Elijah.

''How is dear Elena?" he asks suddenly, while stretching his tie.

''As far as I know, Elena is taking immortalty well.'' I say, trying to drop the Elena topic.

''Did something happen between you and her?'' Elijah questions, clearing his throat

''Oh, everything is absolutely fine. But did you know that she's basically flirting with Damon? I mean, she's still with Stefan, yet she contuines to flirt-''

Elijah looked at me for a moment, then looked behind me, "Caroline.."

I turned and looked behind me. My eyes landed on a bored Damon, and an angry Elena. Perfect, just perfect.

''As far as I know, it's none of your buisness, Caroline,'' says Elena angrily. I turned and glared at her.

''None of my buisness?'' I say. ''Stefan is my friend, and he's going to get hurt. And when my friends get hurt, it does become my buisness.''

''Caroline, maybe you should leave it,'' says Elijah trying to pull me back, but I shrugged him off.

''Your acting like Katherine, Elena. Because this is what she did, right? She had her hands around both Stefan and and Damon, which is what your doing now. Maybe it's about time you choose one of them, Elena.''

Elena raised her eyebrows at me; as if flabbergasted, then walked away with Damon trailing behind her.

Elijah was about to say something until I silenced him with a sigh. ''Don't Elijah.''

But he just smiles at me, ''I'll get you a drink. Klaus seems to have disappeared." He pats my shoulder, then turns and walks in the opposite direction.

I decided to count how long he was gone. When I got to two minutes, I heard a voice behind me.

''Heres your drink.''

''I thought Elijah was suppost to get me a drink," I tell the voice, and spun around to face him.

''He had an arrent to run. At least you still get your drink,'' said a smiling Klaus.

''Lucky me," I roll my eyes, then I take the glass out of his hand.

''Lucky you," he agrees with a private smile.

Instead of replying, I take a sip of my wine. It's a great way to ignore someone.

"I must go, I'm expected at a meeting in town," he tells me after a short pause.

I look up from my drink, and nod. "Okay."

He took my hand and bowed his head slightly. ''It's been a pleasure, Caroline," Klaus says, and kisses my hand.

I gave him my best fake smile. Klaus chuckles at my attempt, then he disappears.

The next day I allowed myself to sleep in for a extra hour. Not that I went asleep, I was thinking about the day before, and how Klaus had kissed my hand. I needed to get up and go out, I needed to stop thinking about horrible people. So that's what I did.

After I got dressed, I pulled out my mobile. I sighed, I had four miss calls off Elena. But I wasn't going to call her back, at least not yet.

Today Tyler would finally be back from his 'breaking the sire bond' mission. Nobody but Hayley has seen Tyler in weeks, but from today on I will get my boyfriend back.

I walked deep into the woods and stood at the gate that leads down where Tyler did have to change into a Werewolf. I heard some noise behind a bush and made myself stand up. ''Tyler?'' I say. ''Is that you?'' I heard a chuckle and Tyler appeared. He had a huge smile on his face, and for once, I had a good reason to smile, too. ''Tyler!'' I say, running into his arms. As soon as he had his arms around me, he pulled me into a kiss. The only time I pulled away was to say, "If you ever leave me again, I will rip your heart out.'' He smiled. ''I've missed you, too.''

Then he took my hand and directed me into the little basement. ''Ladies first,'he said. As a reply I kissed him, then made my way down.

After we'd finished our 'catching up', I promised him that I'd meet him for drink, after I went

home and changed into another outfit. ''Don't be long,'' he said with a kiss.''Never,'' I replied

I walked home alone, not bothering to use my vampire speed. I looked across the street and saw Bonnie, who seemed to be engaged with something else. "Bonnie, hey!''

Bonnie looked over at me and waved, ''Hey Caroline,'' she replied, and walked across to me. She smiled and gave me a quick hug.

I smile back and say,''Wanna come with me for a quick drink?''

Bonnie nodded,''I'd love too.''

I smiled, ''Lets go!''

When we got there I went straight over to Tyler. ''You came.'' I smiled an took his hand,''I promised you I'd come,'' I replied. I looked at the door and saw Elijah come through. He smiled at me, and I returned the smile. I was a bit flushed that Klaus wasn't here, I had wanted to see him...

''You OK?'' Tyler asks.

I turned and looked back at Tyler. ''I'm perfect,'' I lied. So what was it that wasn't perfect? Who was it that didn't make this moment complete? I knew who it was, I just didn't want to admit it.

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