The Arrival Of A Stranger

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''Why do you have a phone when you don't even answer it?'' Damon spits at me, throwing his hands up in anger.

   ''I didn't buy a phone so that you could ring me every five minutes!'' I snap back, sending glares at him from across the room.

    He sends a glare back, and I send him a glare, then he glares back at me, then I glare back at him until eventually, we're both glaring at each other. If only looks could kill..

    ''Stop staring at me,"he growled.

  ''I was glaring not staring,'' 

  ''You were staring,''

   ''Was not,''

   ''Was too,''

  ''Was no--'' I was cut off by Stefan's remark.

   ''Do you guys really have to argue about this?'' Stefan asked, raising an eyebrow.

   Oh, I forgot Stefan was here.

  ''Yes, we do,'' I told him, folding my arms.

  ''Yes, we do,'' Damon agreed, smirking at his younger brother.

  Stefan rolled his eyes in defeat. ''Always so childish?'' he muttered.

''Always,'' me and Damon said in unison.

+ +

I arrived back at my house, throwing my keys on my bed and lying down in exhaustion. 

    I sighed as I sit up on my bed, cursing to myself when the annoying doorbell rings. Why can't anyone just leave me alone for five minutes? Five minutes, that's all I wanted.

   I walked towards the door slowly; because standing at the door was a man. A stranger, I thought to myself.

  "Hello?" I greeted warily as I neared the door.

   The man turned around to face me, his expression hard to read.

   ''Hi there,'' he smiled through the door. ''I just moved in a few doors down, and I just wanted to come in and say hello.''

   I opened the door slowly. I gave the man a small smile.

  ''Oh, of course!'' I cleared my throat. ''I'm Caroline Forbes.''

''I know,'' he answered. ''I'm Mikael.''

  ''Mikael,'' I answered, ''Nice to meet you.'' I reached my hand out of the door for him to shake. He took my hand and shook it, pulling me out of my house.

  ''Now, be a good girl and be quiet,'' he commanded; no compelled- as the smile that was once on his face faded. Instead, his features became dark. Dangerous, even.

  My eyes widened as I try to grab my hand away from him, but he easily catches it again. I'm in trouble.

    I began thinking of a conversation I had with Stefan almost a week ago; the one of Mikael Mikaelson, the original vampire- or Papa Original as Damon liked to call him. My next thought was that this man -who stood dangerously before me- was Mikael Mikaelson.

   Before I could do anything that could get me away from him, his hand grabbed my throat. ''We're going to have some fun, Caroline,'' he told me with a wide smirk. I groaned as his eyes became dark.

   "Okay?" Mikael asked after a beat of silence. I couldn't answer him, though.

   Mikael smiled again, then with a quick laugh, he snapped my neck.

  Everything became black.

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