Trying To Make It Up To Him

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I shut my front door behind me and walked straight to my room. Today made no difference, I was still going ahead with the plan. The Mikaelson family was still a danger to my friends, and they would be stopped once and for all.

I pull out my phone and dial Tyler's number. He would have to talk to me now that he knew that he made such a big mistake.

    After a Few rings he finally answers.

''What is it Caroline?'' Tyler asks through the phone, seeming slightly bored. And of course, angry.

''I just wanted to make sure that everything was OK between us,'' I reply, keeping it plain and simple.

He was silent for a moment. ''Nothing happened between you and Kol, am I right?" he asks. I can almost hear him holding his breath for my answer.

''Of course not, Tyler," I answer almost angrily. "I'm offended that you could even think that! I love you, not anyone else!"

"Look-" he sighs, "I'm sorry, I am. I just, I just saw you two there and I assumed it without talking to you about it."

I bite my lip before answering. ''It's fine. Don't worry about it."

    "I love you," he speaks after a long pause.

I smile. "I love you too."

"- is everything all right between you and Elena? Or are you still at each others throats?" he asks.

I was just going to reply when I heard the doorbell ring. ''Everythings fine between us, but I've gotta go, my mom's at the door. But I'll see you tomorrow, OK?'' I say in a rush.

"See you later," he says, then hangs up. I shut my phone with a click.

Surprisingly, it wasn't my mom at the door. But it was the one and only Klaus Mikaelson. ''What do you want?'' I ask with a sigh as I open the door.

''Firstly, it would be nice if you could let me come in, its quite cold out here,'' he replies, leaning against the door frame.

"No, I think I'd rather you stay out there," I say with a raised eyebrow.

''Fair enough, love," he shrugs. ''I came to give you this.'' He hands me a white envelope. I hold it in my hands, and look down at the fancy writing that reads; Caroline Forbes.

''What's this?'' I ask as I look back up at Klaus. His lips curl up to a wide smirk.

''When you open it you'll find out,'' he winks, ''But I should be going now. I'll see you tomorrow night, Caroline."         Then he's gone.

I walk back inside and open the envelope.

  Dear Caroline Forbes,

  you have been invited to the Mikaelson ball for cocktails and dance. "

And at the back of the invite, is a little note from Klaus himself.

         save me a dance,
     yours fondly,
                                Klaus. "

I throw the card down on my bed with a sigh. If I was invited, that means Elena -and probably Stefan and Damon- were also invited, so I guess there is no harm to go.

I close my eyes and think to myself for a few moments.

The only words that kept popping back into my head was 'save me a dance.'

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