Chapter 1

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You are kiego's (hawks) sister
Quirk=Basically hawks' quirk but your wings are blue.

"No! It's too dangerous! You don't know what these people are capable of!" kiego yells at you. He doesn't normally get this worked up about something which actually causes you to worry about it.
"I'll be fine, it's just an undercover mission, no one will suspect a thing, it's not like you can do it, at least I'll finally be doing something useful." You reply, watching his gaze as it shifts towards the ground.
"But it's not that easy, this is the league of villains we're talking about, they aren't some petty criminals that are hiding in an alleyway, they're..." He trails off as he looks into your eyes, he can tell just by one glance that you're too determined for him to talk you out of it. He sighs and grabs a file from his shelf and a necklace.
" OK, fine, you can go as long as you read this file on the Lov, and keep this necklace with you, I know it's tacky but it has one of my feathers on it, I'll be able to track you and keep an eye on you that way. Oh, you don't have to wear it or anything, just keep it in your pocket or something, I just wanna make sure that I'll know you're alright. " He passes you the file and necklace and then leaves the room. You think about following him out but decide instead to fly back home. You toss the file across your room as you fall into your bed. Keigo had told you to read it but at this point you weren't bothered.
"How bad could they possibly be." You thought to yourself as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

You were awoken by the sound of your phone ringing, and as you answer it you hear an unfamiliar voice.
"I heard you wanted to join the league, is that right? Well then, meet me at the pub across from your house, I need to interview you because apparently 'someone' doesn't think that the pro hero hawks' sister would be interested in joining the league, in all truth I don't see the problem, its not your fault you're related is it? Anyway, get ready and come meet me. " The other person hangs up. You quickly get out of bed and start getting ready.
" How the hell do they know where I am, and how do they know I'm related to hawks, I didn't tell them any of that when I said I wanted to become part of the league. " You think to yourself as you grab your keys and walk to the pub. As you step inside, someone grabs your hand and pulls you into one of the booths. Although he was wearing dark clothes and a hood, it was quite easy to make out some of his key features, such as the scars all over his face and hand. You begin to regret not reading any of the files.
"Ok , let's get this started then. I'm dabi. So, why do you wanna join the league?" He asks, lifting his head up slightly. You can make out the slight glint of his eyes, a light shade of cyan peaking out from the darkness of the hood.
"Well, as you already know I'm y/n, I'm hawks' sister and through that I've seen just how corrupt many heroes are, and I want to try and fix that." Dabi stares at you for a few moments, as if he was looking for anything that could suggest that you were lying.
" Ok, I'll contact you again in a few days, although what you've said is pretty believable, the boss still requires some form of proof that you're willing to do whatever you can for the league. See you soon." And with that, he stands up and walks away. You stare blankly at the place where he just was, wondering whether he actually believed you or not. However, something else was also on your mind. For some reason you couldn't stop thinking about him, and it wasn't out of fear of being caught or something like that. No, this feeling was different.

You decide that night to actually read a few of the files that your brother gave you, however the only one that truly interests you is dabi's. According to the file, he was seemingly in his 20's, his true name is unknown and his quirk is fire based. You're about to put the file away when something catches your eye, a picture of dabi, with his whole face showing, those cerulean eyes glowing. You were sure you recognised that shade of blue, you had once known someone whos eyes were that colour, someone who was currently a long forgotten memory, someone who you had once loved.

You almost burst into tears as you read the latest message on your phone.
"The only way to prove that you are willing to join the league is if you make pro hero hawks dissappear, we don't mind how, you could just kidnap him for a few days or you could kill him, either way if he isn't gone by tomorrow then you can't join the league." You carefully place your phone onto a nearby table, you had to join the league, it was your job to, it was the best way to save lives, by knowing what the enemy was planning, but you didn't want to have to kidnap your own brother to do it. You decide that it would be best to visit keigo and see what he thinks would be best to do about your 'assignment'.

"I guess the best thing would be to 'kidnap' me. All you'd have to do is hide me at your place for a while, I'll remove the tracker from my outfit aswell so that I can't be found, it'll be as if I've disappeared." Keigo says while laughing. You glare at him while thinking it over, it could work as long as he didn't leave your house for a few days, by about a week you would probably already be accepted into the league, so by that point he could just leave and you could say that he must have escaped somehow. So that night you walked back to your house with your brother and once you were there you grabbed a piece of rope and carefully tied up keigo, then once it looked quite believable, you grabbed your phone and sent a picture to the league.

The next morning you were awoken by the sound of keigo screaming, which was kind of an odd thing to hear. You fly across the house and towards the room where you were keeping him, but you stop as you realise that a blue light was eminating from under the door. You quickly burst through the door and almost scream at the scene that you witness. In the room, dabi was standing near the doorway, he had a rope in his left hand and a blue flame in his right. He leaped towards hawks, clearly attempting to tie him up as he flew around the room. There was a slight smell of burning in the air and you could tell that some of keigos feather had been burned slightly.
"What the hell are you two doing?" You yell, causing them both to freeze.
"Well, the window was open so I decided to jump in and see how it was going with kidnapping hawks, only to find him sitting in your living room and watching TV, so I thought it would be best to tie him up again for you." Replies dabi as he passes you the rope and extinguishes the flame in his hand. You glare at hawks.
" Sorry, I got bored, I know you kidnapped me and all that but what do you expect me to do all day... " He trails off as he remembers that one of the league was also in the room with the two of you. After a few minutes, the sound of dabi laughing broke the awkward silence that had settled around the room. He silently whispers something under his breath and then turns to you.
"I guess you really don't understand how kidnapping is meant to work, you aren't meant to make them feel like they're at home or anything like that." He laughs again, then passes you an envelope and drags you outside of the room.
"Anyway, I don't care, as far as I know, you've 'kidnapped' hawks and have now been accepted into the league. I might enjoy working with you." You stare into his turquoise eyes as he looks up at you. For a second it seems like he looked a bit sad about something, but you aren't sure as he quickly turns away from you.
" I'll see you soon then, don't leave the league waiting. " And with that, he opens one of the windows and jumps out.

Dabi's pov-
"Seems like that bird brain actually made her forget about me, or maybe she just doesn't recognise me" He says while carefully tracing his fingers over the scars on his hands.

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