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I walk slowly into the kitchen and sit down. My bones ache from the cold weather and pop when I sit.

Goodness I'm getting old. I think as I sit in my favorite chair.

I open a very old ratty book. Filled with the memories of the past. From the one place I would always call home.

Where I lived and loved.

Hogwarts. I smile.

But Hogwarts was where I lost my greatest love.

My dark haired ruthless soulmate.

I look at a picture of the two of us. It was sixth year. We were curled up on the couch in the Slytherin common room. I was asleep, my head in his lap as he smiled a small soft smile as he twirled a piece of my hair in his fingers.

Oh that smile! The smile that was reserved only for me. His only lover and one that owned his cold ruthless heart.

I move to the back of the book slowly well aware on how our love story ended. Everyone says oh the love you hold for the darkest wizard of our time will fade. But it hasn't not even a little bit. All I feel is the empty hole in my soul that will forever belong to him.

Tom why just why did you decide I wasn't good enough. That you needed to leave me and throw away the love that we shared. The love that should have saved you but instead made you fall deeper into the darkness.

I can only hope that we can see each one last time my darling.

This imagine is dedicated to Cele_Potato

I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for all the lovely comments and I hope you loved this one! Should I do a part 2 but maybe in Tom's POV?

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