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Today was the Battle of Hogwarts. My name is Avery Darkbloom. Also named as Ava. I am a pureblood Slytherin. Best friends of Harry, Ron and Hermione. I have a horrible secret I am from Lord Voldemort time or as I knew him as Tom Riddle my love Dumbledore sent to now to save my Tom from himself. Tom thought he had killed me in a blast of anger. But I had been transferred to Harry Potter age.

"Ava hurry he is here!" Harry yelled at me. As the golden trio and I ran down the grounds of Hogwarts.

And there he was in his full glory the Dark Lord.

Oh Tom my love my dark king my Riddle to figure out I thought to my self as I looked at him.

"Potter and friends and a Slytherin?"
Tom said disbelief all over his voice.

"Yes one of my best friends" said Harry looking at me.

" Harry, Ron, Hermione forgive me" I said.

"What Ava no!" Yelled my 3 best friends.

"Tom Riddle" I said stepping forward.

"My love" I added.

"Who are you girl and I have NEVER loved someone". Yelled Voldemort.

"Yes you did love someone, someone that you thought you killed that night". I said.

"She is dead! "Dead and gone leaving me forever because I killed her". Tom yelled pain clear in his scream.

"Did you think that Dumbledore had a plan he took her to save you from what you are doing now with a Time Turner and let you belive that you killed her, you are only doing this because you blamed your self for her death!". I told him.

"Then why did she not come and tell me that she was alive years ago!

"Because it would mess up the plan established all those lifetimes ago. I said.

"She is a 7th year Slytherin of course I wouldn't expect anything less than the best house of all of Hogwarts!"

"Yes wait did just you say I?" Said Tom.

"Yes it has been a long time my Slytherin King".

"I do not believe you!" Said Tom.

"Oh I knew you wouldn't". I laughed.

"So who's promise and family ring is this?". I said.

I pulled out a chain under my robes in which a goblin made sliver and emerald ring Slytherin's ring to be exact.

"No no noo" bellowed Tom. Blood dying from his face.

" You don't look the same". He said.

I full out laughed at him any one else and it would have been the end. But not for me.

" Dumbledore was smarter than that he knew that I should look a lot different so you would not recognize me". I said.

I pulled off a black and white band that had the enchantment to make me look like this person. Slowly it faded and it showed the real Avery Darkbloom.

Long soild black hair, nice tan skin, oh so tall and thin, scary intimidating gray eyes and decked out in black leather.

"Does any one have blood red lipstick?" I asked the Slytherin's

"Thanks doll". I say. As I put it on wicked fast.

" And now TOM RIDDLE you killed me the one you swore to protect, your one true love your Dark Queen" I told him.

"I know I know I am so so sorry Ava. Forgive me my love". Said Tom.

"No" I said.

"No? Tom gasped.

"No". I said.

" I will do anything for you My Queen". Said Riddle.

"Alright then". I said a smirk spreading across my face.

" Beg for me love" I hissed a true Slytherin to the bone.

And so Lord Voldemort The Dark Lord BEGGED for me and I loved every word.

"Wouderful job dear"

I held out a arm and hissed in snake tongue Rex Rex my pet Where are you?

A long pure white snake slid into the yard of Hogwarts.

Massster Avery long time no sse
Hissed my pet.

Hello to you to my sweet. I said.

"You can talk to snakes? Said the Golden Trio.

"Of course!" I said as Rex moved around my feet.

"Tom Tom Tom"

" Avery Avery Avery"

"I missed you".

" I missed you to love" said Tom

I walked over to kiss him and I did.
He happily kissed me back. The kiss was full of the pain of being lost and not being together. But it also filled with the true joy of being with your soulmate. Just like that Tom Riddle was back to his 7th year self. His blue eyes looking into my gray.

"I love you so much Avery Darkbloom". Declared Tom Riddle.

"And I love you so much as well Tom Riddle". Declared Avery Darkbloom.

" My Queen"

"My King"

They lived happy ever after. As much happyness two power loving Slytherin's can.

801 words!


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