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have fun reading 😁

Today was the day, the day Derek had spent hours waiting for this hour to come and it finally arrived he got up at 7:30 then he showered and then put on his blank dress pants and a blue dress shirt and blazer. Then Derek ate a protein bar and went straight to the coffee shop they were meeting at.
Meredith on the other hand was running late. She woke up at 8 and it took around 20 minutes to walk there are she still had to get ready. She took one of the worlds fastest showers and dried he hair. She then turned her straighter on and while she was waiting for it to turn hot she got changed really quick and then did her makeup after she straighten her hair.

Once Derek got to the modern looking coffee shop. It look remodeled and had a lot of white and windows close to the door to the coffee shop. He sat down by a big window with white metal chairs in the front of the store and he waited for Meredith. The smell of coffee going through his mind like new before and it smelled so good. He heard the door open and he immediately smelled a scent, her scent. He turned in his seat and waved to her.

"Meredith over here" Derek shouted

"Oh hi Derek" she said. Derek got up and kissed her cheek

"Did you order already?" Meredith asked

"Nope I wanted to wait for you" Derek replied. they both stood up and went in line

"Hi what can I get for you two today?" The cashier asked

"Hello can I get a large black coffee with 2 sugars, Mer what do you want?" Derek asked

She already loved that he called her Mer and not Meredith she quickly snapped of her thoughts are said "Can I get a large Vanilla latte please"

"Oh course ma'am." The cashier said

Meredith was getting out to pay when Derek stopped her

"Hey I asked you on this coffee date I will pay"

"Ok fine" she said rolling her eyes.

They got their coffee and went back to the small wooden table and looked into each others eyes.

"Your really beautiful you know that" Derek said smiling

"I am not you're just saying that!" Meredith replied

"I am not, I think you are the pretties girl I have ever seen." Derek said putting her hair behind her ear.

"Whatever you say Mr. lawyer" She replied.

"I do say, so tell me about yourself" he said grabbing her hand

" Well I teach at Brookewood academy and on my free time I like to go to the library and read but I am also into writing. I just started writing another book and I've lived in New York since high school and I went to college here." Meredith said "Tell me about yourself" She added on.

"Well I am originally from Boston, I took over my dads law firm since he retired. I have lived in New York for 5 years and I like to read a lot."

Meredith looked at the clock that said 10:30 and quickly realized she running late to teach a class.

"Derek I am so sorry to cut this short but I have to go" She said guilt-fully. The truth is she really liked sitting here talking to him.

"Of course go how about we meet and the library tonight and I take you out on a real date?" He asked

"Yeah I would love that, I don't have to teach tomorrow until 1 so how about we meet at 8 o'clock?" She replied

"Perfect ill see you soon" He got up and kissed her cheek watching her walk out of the coffee shop

'damn what is this girl doing to me' he thought to himself. He got up walked put of the coffee shop and got a taxi since he gave his driver a day off.

"Where to" the guy asked

"Shepherd law firm, on 67th street" Derek said

After an awful taxi ride he finally got the the firm and went inside being greeted by his best friend.

"Hey Derek how are yo-" Mark tried to start a conversation but he wasn't in the mood to talk to Mark or tell him about his date tonight with Meredith.

He shut the door to the office and started working on a case. The case was about a custody battle between two parents. One parent the real mother and the other one the adoptive mother who were together but divorced. The real mother wanted to take the daughter and go to Seattle but the adoptive mother wanted her to stay here where her life is.

Derek always hated custody battles but he was a ton of different lawyers combined so he help a lot of people but dreading having to do this one. No matter what the outcome ones both parents will feel a loss and every time he did this it got harder for him. Derek was on the adoptive mother's side.

Meredith left the coffee shop and took the train to her school. She never liked riding the train because of the smell and germs but she didn't really care since she was running late.

After a miserable 20 minute train ride she got off the train and walked to Brookewood academy. It was a nice place but it was really old fashioned so to speak. It was all brick and was a huge rectangle with an outdoor area in the middle. It had big brown oak doors and the windows were huge. She walked into her room, room 207.

"Good Morning class sorry I am a little late today, anyways let's get started" She stated

"Miss Grey, are you collecting the homework from last night?" Kendall one of the biggest teachers pet asked

"Kendall shut up your so god damn annoying" Max one of her other students replied.

"I'll collect them after school" She replied.

Merediths school was different than other schools. They had the same teacher for each period but they had their own study hall, gym, elective alone.

As she was getting ready for the lesson plan Maya raised her hand.

"Yes Maya" Meredith asked

"Miss Grey can I turn in my homework now?" she asked

"What the hell just leave it alone and follow the directions it's not that fucking hard" Justin interrupted

"First of all Maya I will be collecting them after school and Justin watch the language" Meredith said

They students kept bickering and she was getting a headache. This was why she hated teaching Juniors and she knew that this was going to be a long day.

Hey guys I finally updated and I am going to try and update more now hopefully once a week. But lmk if u guys want smaller chapters with more updates or longer chapters with less updates.

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