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Dear All,

This is going to be a boring old statement about the rules of copyright in my books and other stuff but you will need to read this.

1: I was reading my book again today because I may be editing it and I found out that you could copy and paste segments of my book. This irritates me because anyone out there can pass on this story as their own works and not just on Wattpad. I will be talking to Wattpad about this because it is serious as one day I could publish Fading but not use One Direction in this story and make up my own band but keep everything else the same. This story could already be published on another site or even on and I have no idea! If you see this book on Wattpad or anywhere else, please let me know. They may have changed the title so look out. 

2: Just don't pass this story as your own. It is a serious crime and if you ended up publishing it, you could go to jail. Now I don't want you all to do that and end up in prison so remember that this story is MINE and owned by me and if you do copy anything of mine, you can actually be sued. I'm usually a nice person but when something like that happens, I obviously won't be!

That was just to clear things up. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone but I needed to post this as a warning.

Thank you :)


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