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chapter six - dinner feud

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chapter six - dinner feud.
0:35 ━❍──────── -3:18
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"You're so cute," Haneul cooed cutely to Jisung as she squished his cheeks before returning to her food.

As they bit into their burgers— Mark deciding to go to the same diner from the other day as Jeno and Chenle couldn't choose— Donghyuck and Aeri looked to the other.

The pair lost a round of rock paper scissors and had to sit with the couple as the others sat behind them in another booth, the larger tables that could have fit all 8 of them— being occupied by other customers.

Aeri was grateful that she hadn't eaten yet, and used the food as a way to distract herself from the couple in front of her. It was especially uncomfortable and awkward as she had previously witnessed extra kissing before exiting the basement— which left a bitter taste on her tongue.

Chewing through her burger, a bit of sauce had stayed at a corner of her lips. None of the boy's minded, not mentioning it as it wasn't a big deal, but Haneul took it upon herself to point it out rudely.

"You're disgusting," She scoffed, nose raised high as if she had something to be arrogant about.

The blonde flicked her hair behind her shoulders, causing both Donghyuck and Aeri to laugh, finding it cliche.

"Um, who said we cared about what you think, and honestly I find it cute," The Lee sassed in a motherly tone, causing the girl to his side to look at him weirdly.

Ignoring her curious stare, he carefully cupped Aeri's face between his four fingers and thumb, turning her face more towards him. As her large eyes met his narrowed orbs, the pair couldn't help but burst into laughter. From his perspective, she looked adorable with her lips puckered together helplessly.

From her point of view, she found it humorous how annoyed he had looked. Never in the years she had known him had he looked so irritated. It was a sight to see— how his lips parted almost about to say something that would definitely gain an argument, so he opted to poking his tongue into his cheek to control himself.

"Your attitude is showing," Her distorted voice left her puckered lips— Donghyuck rolling his eyes playfully in return.

"I don't think you should be commenting on how I look, when you're the person with sauce on their lips," He shot back, sticking out his tongue before turning his attention to the corner of her mouth. Quickly, he rubbed off the ketchup with his thumb and once he was satisfied with his work, they both turned towards their food, but the sight they met in front wasn't as pleasing. But was it ever?

"Get a room," Aeri groaned as she came a few inches away from yet another shared kiss between the highly annoying couple. It felt as if Jisung was rubbing it in at this point, showing her what she had been replaced with. But to her, she hadn't seen much.

"Do you guys have to kiss all the time?" Donghyuck grumbled between bites of his burger. "What if we did that in front of you guys?" As the ten words slipped off his tongue, the atmosphere stilled.

Jisung's eyes narrowed at the two. The question, were they dating, whirled around his mind. It echoed loudly at his ears and made his heart suddenly tense up in his chest. One of his best friends and his ex? A scowl morphed onto his facial features, furrowing together his brows and turning the corners of his lips down into a deep frown.

He watched as they slowly and dramatically turned towards each other. Aeri's hands shot to Donghyuck's hair, as his palms went to the small of her waist.

Almost as if planned, the raven haired girl turned in her seat, as the male shifted his head in front of hers— both tilting their heads in opposite directions to create an illusion of them kissing.

Jisung's heart dropped seeing them turning away, but as he heard the fake kissing noises of their lips puckering playful and saw how dramatically and messily Aeri ran her fingers through the boy's hair, an irritated sigh fell from his tongue.

The two friends didn't care that they had accomplished their initial goal as they continued to jokingly 'make out'. They played around until Aeri scooted forward too much, causing both her and Donghyuck to fall out of the booth.

Instinctively, his grip on her waist tightened as they fell, making sure to hold her up— taking the pain for both of them.

Donghyuck let out a little sound of forced out air, closing his eyes momentarily at the impact.

Thanks to his help, Aeri shot her hands out just in time, placing her palms firmly on the ground besides his head— holding her up further to prevent their collision. Though her upper body was held up, her legs had awkwardly fell in a way that resulted in her straddling the tanned.

She lowered her head and made eye contact with her friend. Aeri hovered over him. Her long wavy hair fell at her sides and to Donghyuck, hiding the looks of shock on both of their faces.

They held each other's stares for what seemed like an eternity, before they bursted into a giggling fit. Their eyes were squeezed shut as they hollered out in happiness, tears of joy beginning to trail down their cheeks from how hard they laughed. Thankfully, the group was sat in the back corner of the diner, and were far enough away from other customers to bother them.

Peaking over from their booth, Jeno, Chenle, Jaemin and Mark looked towards the two. At first they were confused to see one of their friends atop the other, but from their never ending laughter they assumed it wasn't on purpose nor serious. They couldn't help but join in as well.

They threw in some jokes, adding to the mess— it erupted all of them except the couple to laughter.

"You guys are being a disturbance. Get up," Jisung scolded grumpily, his arms now crossed over his tight fit shirt. The veins in his arms bulged as he did this— fists tightly clenched under his shoulders.

Though she was annoyed by his commands, she did as he said nonetheless— her knees beginning to ache from the tiled flooring. As she stood to her feet, she helped to pull Donghyuck up too. They giggled with one another as they returned to their seats in the booth, still not over their topple.

But clearly Jisung was far over it. "You guys are too loud," He retorted again, poison dancing along his tongue.

"Oh bite me," Aeri's smile fell to a frown as she turned in the negative boy's direction. "Go shove your tongue down your girlfriend's throat, we're having fun,"

. . .

i liked the scenario, but i hated writing it because i think i could've done a better job. hope you enjoyed the filler

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