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chapter nine - i know what you did last summer

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chapter nine - i know what you did last summer.
0:35 ━❍──────── -3:18
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


"Get home safe, alright?" Donghyuck pointed to Aeri as he walked backwards towards the band's van. The girl laughed at his endearing actions and waved her band mates off.

"Yeah, Renjun will take me—"

Quickly, in an authorities voice, Jaemin in front of the tanned male, and pointed threateningly at the older male. "Yah, Renjun I expect her home by 10,"

"Jaemin!" Aeri whined, pushing the pair away, as Renjun hopped onto his motorcycle— chuckling to himself.

"It's okay, Ae. I'll make sure she gets home safe," The two toned haired boy reassured her friends, winking cheekily— pulling on his large helmet. "Come on, Aeri,"

Quickly, the woman turned on her heels and jogged up to Renjun. She maneuvered one of her legs over the bike, and straddled the seat, her arms immediately wrapping around the male's torso.

"What is she doing? Having a rendezvous with our competition?" Jisung grumbled in shot gun, watching as the pair started the engine and speeded off into the city, to do who knows what.

Aeri and Renjun's words lingered and echoed in his head.

"Hey how about i take you to our spot, just like old times?" Renjun offered, a wide grin on his face. The girl stared up into his eyes, catching something bright flash in them and instantly she nodded her head yes.

"Of course, but this time, nothing after—"

"C'mon Han, you can't be spilling our secrets," The boy teased, nudging her shoulder with his— winking teasingly.

At the mention of the past, Aeri rolled her eyes, but she continued to laugh at his antics. "It's been a year," She chimed.

Something about the ambiguity of the conversation left him on the edge of his seat, dwelling the past.

"Penny for you thoughts?" Jeno asked, glancing at the younger male from his peripheral vision.

Jisung snapped out of his reverie, noticing that they had already taken off from the concert hall and were on their way to his home. The blonde shook his head, then turning to face the older, briefly glancing at the others in the back seat from the mirror.

"What did Renjun and Aeri do last summer?" As the words fell from his tongue, the atmosphere of the vehicle had become tensed. The male's stiffened at the question, and turned their eyes away from the youngest. "You guys know something,"

"It was barely anything," Jeno muttered, his grip tightening onto the steering wheel— his knuckles turning white.

"Anything?" Donghyuck scoffed, rolling his eyes. He found it ironic for something like what he witnessed to be labeled as 'barely anything'. "If you saw the look in Renjun's eyes and hers, you would have mistaken them as long lost lovers,"

"Hyuck, you're not making this any better," Mark nudged the younger in the abdomen, reeling a long and low groan of pain.

"What? He asked, and I answered. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, or be nice ," The tanned hissed, becoming defensive of his friends.

"What do you mean lovers?" Jisung's attention has heightened. He sat up in his seat, and turned to the boys in the back.

"After she broke up with you, her and renjun got closer," Chenle explained, feeling that Donghyuck had already said enough.

Now it was Jaemin's turn to explode. "If it makes you feel any better in some sick way, she couldn't continue the relationship nor make it official because she still loved you," He grunted, threading his fingers through his hair roughly.

"She slept with someone else too," Mark added, though it sounded a little forced as if uncomfortable to say who it was.

"So you're telling me, she acted like a whore," Jisung deadpanned, making both Jaemin and Donghyuck's patience run thin.

"You don't get to judge how she fixed what you broke,"  Jaemin seethed.

"You're a cheater, remember? I don't think you of all people should have a say on if she can sleep with people or not," Donghyuck countered as well, venom dripping off his tone.

"Do you guys have to always remind me of my mistake?" The youngest asked in frustration, eyes glaring at the pair.

"You fucked a groupie when you had a good girl!" Donghyuck shouted, silencing the group as they succumbed to the truth. "She loved you. She gave you the power to break her heart, trusting that you wouldn't. Now look, you shattered it, but she's all better now. So don't stand in the way of her happiness, even if you aren't satisfied with who she found it with. You're a sick fuck, Park. Stop the car, I'm getting out,"

Jeno stopped the car, and immediately Jaemin and Donghyuck both exited the vehicle, their guitar cases atop their backs.

"If you wanna make this band work, you have to take accountability for the shit you've done and let her go,"

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