💜Chapter 5: Rats & Stuff🧡

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"Fine, different question." Wilbur smirked, "How many times have you rejected Quackity?"

Hannah thought for a moment and answered "About... 46 I think."

"And he thinks he has a chance? Does he know you have a girlfriend?" Asked Karl.

"Yes he does know."

Sami added, "Guys he thinks he has a chance with a dead rat floating in the water.."

Everyone paused and looked at each, then busted out laugh-crying. Though it was sort of true. He flirted with a dead rat in the sink. It got through the sewage system and ended up in the kitchen sink, somehow.

"Not once though, twice. I've seen him do that two freaking times. Which is really weird that it happened twice, it shouldn't have happened at all." Hannah said while giggling.

"I fear for my safety in that kitchen." Karl said half jokingly, he had a horrific phobia of rats and mice.

It's almost always been like his whole life, well since he was very young at least. A long while back, seven and a half year old Karl was looking for his shin guards because he had an upcoming game in and hour. They were in the basement, and boy did their basement get pests of all types. Hannah accepted it, and made a mouse friend in which she named Bread.

Karl searched for a certain box that said 'Karl's soccer stuff :D' and when he found it and opened it, there was a mouse family with a mother and ten babies there. The mama hissed at him and he fell backwards scared to death. Karl screamed at the top and his lungs, making his mom and sister run down fearful of what could've happened.

Safe to say, he never wants to even enter a basement EVER AGAIN.

"It isn't my fault that you left your snack in your bag from the last game." Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Well you were doing me a fAvOr by laughing at me the whole time while mom was trying to calm me down!" Karl barked. (woof woof mf)

"Just because my name means favor doesn't mean I'll do you one." She replied sassy, "And mom didn't do you a favor by calling you Karl, it means strong man and I beat you in every wrestling match!"
That, was the truth though.

"Oop that's harsh man." Wilbur chuckled at Hannah's remark.

He had nothing else to say, Hannah won again. Just like all those sibling wresting matches.

Around 3 hours later~
Karl yawned fairly loud, indicating he was extremely tired. Who could blame him though, it was 9pm and they had work tomorrow.

"Sami, Wilbur, I think it's time we head home." Hannah said taking notice of how tired her brother was.

"Awe, ok bye love!" Sami said, then got up and kissed Hannah's cheek. Hannah kissed her cheek back and grabbed Karl's arm, pulling him up.

"Bye love you. Let's go Karl I know your exhausted." She looked concerned at her half asleep brother.

"Ok.." Karl's voice trailed he was so tired.

"Bye losers." Wilbur remarked overconfident, earning a mean glare from Sami.

"Bye bye" Sami said sorta sad. She understood why they were leaving.

As the siblings were walking down the sidewalk, Karl noticed Hannah looked oddly cautious.

"I could've just walked myself home, you know?"

"No Karl, stay by me at all times, there are drug dealers everywhere. Don't need you in that crap ever, ok?" Her eyes scoured the allies and down the pathways, she could only assume people were everywhere.

"Why are you so tense right now, Hannah? You know I'm not a big on drugs at all."

"Bro, not just that. The amount of times I've been harassed on my way home is uncountable on my fingers, and that's the last thing I want to happen tonight."

Karl didn't dare say anything else to that. She's always complained about this kind of stuff over the phone. It happened a lot in high school to the point where if she wanted to take a nighttime stroll, he would have to come with her. Nowadays this lead her to staying the night with her girlfriend many-a-nights.

Soon they reached his house and said their goodbyes.

"Bye Kar, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Hannah, love you. Text me when your home safe and sound."

"Love you too little bro <3, will do"

Karl sighed and stepped into his small house. It was neat, homey, and neutral but still small. He lucky all of his stuff fit, to his luck there was just enough room for everything.

He sat down on the couch and almost immediately got a text from Hannah saying she was home. She also sent a picture of her house to go along with it.

It was definitely a pretty home, much nicer than his. Definitely more than he could afford. Karl responded with a 'good' then plugged his phone in.

He went to his bathroom all groggy, brushing his teeth and throwing on a white T-shirt and black athletic shorts to go to bed.

Karl pulled out the couch and brought he blanket from the chest that is built in the love seat. He turned off the lights and laid down, thinking about everything that happened today,

Including his face-to-face with Sapnap....

Credits to NightmareisKindaHere for this one too!! Once I get chapter six done you peeps are about to see ALOT of sparks go boom boom. It's about to get gay up in here.
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