💜Chapter 10: The End :]🧡

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Anddddd I'm online! I was on a weekend trip and wanted to take a little break before finishing off the story. So here is the last chapter of the books, so sad it's done :(
But I am making an epilogue after this so stay tuned!

Sapnap's alarm went off early in the morning, and he stirred in bed. The moment he tried to get up, he was stopped by a force of some sort. Karl. Karl had his arms around Sapnap's waist, sleeping peacefully beside him.

Sapnap giggled at the fact he was still holding on to him. He started to wiggle and try to get out of Karl's grip but couldn't. He then decided to shake Karl's shoulder and wake him.

After a few seconds of moving, he opened and eyes and looked straight at Sapnap, trying his best to wake fully. Once Karl could focus, he sat up and hugged Sapnap from behind, then proceeded to play with the boy's hair.

"Hey Kar, you sleep well baby?" Sapnap asked quietly, letting Karl completely work his brain. When Karl first gets up, he's not very focused or mentally prepared for anything.

Karl responded with a 'hm' most likely meaning 'yeah'.

"Okay then, I need to get ready and talk to my parents today. We have to talk about the Ball and I think I'm going to have to come out to them..." Sapnap sighs in defeat, there is no other way.

Sapnap heads to his closet and looked for his royal outfit. He put on his formal wear and went to the doorway.

He turned his head slightly and looked back and Karl, "I'll come back up here when I'm done talking, ok?"

Karl nodded, and Sapnap went out the door. He assumed his parents were eating breakfast so he walked down the corner stairs, closest to the dining room.

The moment he stepped in, he was greet with his father, mother, and only sibling, Emry. He dad looked up and him and his face went completely serious.

"H-Hey dad, mom, Emry..." Sapnap stuttered, scared to death.

"Son," The king responded, "We need to have a talk in private... now."

"Ok dad.." he agreed hesitantly. Sapnap could only think of the worst.

When both men were alone, the king started tapping his foot. "Is there something you would like the start out with Sapnap?"

He panicked, his dad only used his name when it was important.

"I- uhm- I.. I'm sorry dad. I have to confess..." He started. The king raised his eyebrow, "Go on."

Sapnap couldn't hold it in anymore and just blurted out "I'm sorry dad! I'm bisexual, with boy preference! At the ball you told me to choose a woman and I just could not work up the nerve! And I panicked and ran off..."

"Ah yes I know what you did son. Your mother and I came into your room after and saw you with your own cook..."

Sapnap froze in complete fear, waiting for the worse response.
"You saw that?! You weren't supposed to..."

"Maybe lock your door if your going to stay with someone."

"So I'm guess you don't accept me? I'm a disappointment?" He started shedding tears predicting the horrible answer.

"Well Sapnap, it's not exactly that. See I have no problem with you liking boys, it's just you cannot rule dating a boy publicly. The tradition goes that you either marry a woman or don't see anyone as you rule, and I cannot let that be disrespected in my time as king. I'm sorry, but there is no other way..." His voice trailed off as he was upset he couldn't let his son have all he wanted.

"Oh.. well- I- what if I don't then! I just date anyone in secret, no marriage and no one has to know...? Would that please you, father?"

"As long as it makes you happy, I'm ok with it. As the king and your dad, I want you to be the happiest boy on earth. Whatever it take to make that happen I will go through."

The king held his arms out for Sapnap, and he happily returned the hug. Sapnap was crying tears of bisexual* joy knowing he could still be with Karl without family disappointment.

After a solid two minute hug, both let go and walked back together into the large dining room. Many cooks and maids and butlers were gathered around the queen, asking her questions about what was going on. The queen always loved to talk to her workers, so the king never shooed them off when they were around.

When he walked up the workers present bowed, and he dismissed them.

"I have a conference with the board today, I will see you at noon family, I love you all." He smiled sweetly at them, then left the dining room to be escorted with guards out the castle.

"So big bro, how'd it go?" Emry asked excitedly.

"Well Em, he told me he was fine with it! But..."

"Oh lord," the queen sighed "what's the but?"

"If I won't marry a woman the I cannot date in public if it's a boy, it's just tradition he said. And I guess I could see that, we are the royals after all."

"I suppose you are correct. But what the heck, he accepted you like he did me! We should celebrate it! Niki, could you come here please?!" Emry shouted out, they were bubbly from time to time, ya get it?

"You called, Monarch Emry?" Niki stepped into the room, as she was called.
(Niki called her monarch since she shouldn't use Lady, Duchess, Prince, Duke, or Princess. Just a btw!)

"Thank you for coming so quickly Niki, I need you and your friends to prepare and little party for everyone in the palace. My father accepted Sapnap and we need to celebrate. It has to be private and in the royal garden, the public is not allowed to know."

"Yes Monarch Emry, right away." Niki agreed softly, then left to the kitchen and get everyone prepared.

Emry then turned to Sapnap, "Well what are you staring for? Go get your man out of your room and bring him down here! I never get to formally meet him, neither did mom or dad!"

"Alright alright I am Emry I'm going!" He groan and start for the stairway to his room. When he entered, Karl was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

As soon as the door creaked oh so slightly, Karl shot up and ran to Sapnap. He put his hands on Sapnap's shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.

"How did it go? Can I stay?"

"Well Karl, you can stay. On a condition though, we can't be public, and I can't marry a woman if we're still together. I'm starting to think this is a big win for me, I never wanted girls anyways. They're amazing, just not for me."

"Oh my goodness he said yes?! EEKKKKK!!! SAPNAP WE CAN STAY TOGETHER!!" Karl exclaimed jumping up and down.

The two put their foreheads together and closed their eyes. They stayed like that for a few minutes, and in the heat of the moment, their lips connected. Oh how passionate the kiss was! Waves of emotion came over them, and the boys could just tell it was love. Nothing else to it, just pure love for each other. They would never be separated. Then and there it was confirmed they would spend forever with each other. Who knew you could get that all from one kiss?

Sapnap pulled away first and looked Karl in the eyes, "I love you so much Karl, more than so many things in this world. I don't think you'll ever understand how much you mean to me."

"Oh I think I understand Sappy." Karl pulled him in for a little peck on the lips, "I feel just the same way, love."

And it was true. For the rest of time, they were together, and never ever separated. No big fights that led to break up, no fatal accidents happened, no falling out of love. Karl and Sapnap lived happily ever after.

The End...

~A Peasant and a Prince~ ✨Karlnap AU✨Where stories live. Discover now