Shirayuki & Izumi's Story: pt. 1

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Some general information about the second extra story, Shirayuki & Izumi's story:
• Izumi Aizawa is the daughter of Shōta Aizawa & Hizashi Yamada (aka Present Mic); their only child.
• Shirayuki & Izumi are soulmates.
• Shirayuki is a recessive omega & Izumi is a recessive alpha.
•  Both Shirayuki & Izumi are 18 years old, so I will go into detail about their mating. However, their mating doesn't occur under sexual circumstances, so the first part will not include sexual intercourse.
TW: The story will on the other hand include a very controversial mating process where the question regarding if it's consensual or not can be discussed. The mating process will be purely instinctual and neither of the two will be able to control their actions, which makes both Shirayuki and Izumi subconsciously consent to the mating. However, once the mating process is over and they're back to their normal selves (no longer controlled by the instincts which were awakened due to the soulbond), neither of them wants to be mated to the other, which implies to the mating not being consensual.
•  TW: Izumi will (under the control of instincts) attack Shirayuki in this story, and she'll treat him quite violently. (rather than violently, I'd probably describe more as roughly.)
TW: Physical violence will occur more than once.

Shirayuki's POV:

It was a completely normal day for a third year in high school; boring and stressful as hell due to the damn finals coming up. I hated school, so I honestly skipped every now and then. Every time I actually joined class, I had a tendency to instantly regret it as I'd been cursed with the worst fucking luck. I was a short, recessive male omega with the girliest name in the book and a feminine looking face. As soon as I entered a public place, people would always either mistake me for a girl, comment on my "cute" appearance or cat-call me. I hated it all, and being named after a fucking Disney Princess sure as hell didn't help me out.

I was currently sitting on my seat located furthest back, next to the wall in class, writing down an idea for a lyric in my notebook instead of taking notes like I was supposed to. I was the only omega among my mainly beta classmates. There were no alphas either as both alphas and omegas were rare. Sure, my whole family consisted of three extremely rare dominant alphas, one recessive alpha, one dominant omega and me, a recessive omega. In total, I knew four dominant alphas as my uncle, too, was one.

Outside of school, I was constantly surrounded by legit anything but betas, so a class full of them wasn't so bad for a change!

Yeah right.

I was just constantly seen as a rare exotic animal rather than a normal human being, but let's not sweat the small stuff.

"Okay, class! Today a new transfer student from Los Angeles is starting! Both her parents are from Japan, so she's fluent in Japanese, but she's born and raised in America." The teacher excitedly mentioned, walking over the the door to open it.

Suddenly I was hit by a very pleasant scent, making me look up from my notebook. A rather tall, tired-looking chick with black, wavy hair and green/hazel eyes stepped into the classroom with her hands in the pockets of her jersey. She seemed totally uncomfortable wearing the rather short skirt which came with the school uniform.

"Yo. Name's Izumi Aizawa. Cool meetin' ya, I guess?" She briefly said as an introduction, her voice not really including any enthusiasm.

I was about to chuckle for myself when I suddenly started to feel very weird. The symptoms definitely resembled those of a heat, and it was possible I'd gone into heat as I was a recessive omega, which meant I didn't have a regular heat cycle. However, the symptoms were stronger than a normal heat this time.

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