Shirayuki & Izumi's Story: pt. 2

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• One year post pt. 1 •

Izumi's POV:

I had for two weeks been composing a song which my voice wouldn't fit with for the life of me, but even so, I was dead-set on the instrumentals being on point. I could sing, but I wasn't talented as a singer. I was an instrumentalist to the core, not a vocalist. I normally got by fine using my own vocals, but this time, my voice just wouldn't do.

"Fuuuck!" I yelled, causing Shirayuki to flinch in his seat across me as we were sitting in the classroom by my bench, eating our lunches.

"What's up with you all of a sudden?!" He yelled back as I'd managed to startle him.

I sighed, impatiently tapping my fingernails on the bench.

"I'm composing this song, and my voice sounds horrible with the instrumentals. I need a voice with a darker vocal range than mine to pull it off." I complained, groaning in displeasure.

He slowly nodded, seeming to consider something.

"Um.. I-.. I might... No- Never mind..!" He mumbled, trying to suggest something, which I had a fair idea of what it was.

"Do you want to try?" I boldly asked, not really expecting much, but it was worth a try.

He averted his gaze in discomfort, but nodded in reply.

"Just send me the text and melody..."

I arched my eyebrow.

"I can just show you if you tag along to my place after school. Stop making it so complicated." I sighed, stealing one piece of fried chicken from his bento.

"Hey! Don't steal my fried chicken, jackass! And fine! I'll tag along!" He grumpily exclaimed.

• After school •

"Alright, so what I'm going to play on the piano is the melody of the vocals. Let's go through it a couple of times. Here's the note sheet. As you can see, the lyrics are written underneath the notes." I said as I handed him the papers.

He quickly skimmed through the paper.

"I've got it, so let's start."

I raised my eyebrows, impressed by his confidence as I started playing. Soon after, Shirayuki came in with the vocals.

What I heard, had me in shivers. His voice was so incredibly beautiful. It fit perfectly with the song, and the amount of feeling he expressed in his voice was insane.

Listening to his singing, I didn't ever want to stop playing music with him. I wanted to create more songs for him to sing.

I was surprised by how my heart was fluttering inside my chest as I looked at him. I'd never experienced that kind of feeling before. Suddenly, I even started to notice things about him which I previously hadn't paid attention to. How did I never notice how long his pure white lashes were, or how smooth his skin looked? Strange...

• Nine months later •

Izumi's POV:

It was a rather warm Saturday evening. Shirayuki, Ayato and I were currently on our way back to his house after having spent the whole day at a karaoke bar. I still didn't get along with Ayato, but I could put up with him as he was Shirayuki's best friend. However, I really hated the way Ayato looked at Shirayuki. He was constantly clinging to him as if he was trying to convey some kind of twisted monopoly on him, and it bugged the shit out of me. I was painfully aware of Ayato's feelings for Shirayuki; he certainly wasn't trying to hide them, but for some reason, I didn't want Shirayuki anywhere near him. I didn't want Shirayuki to realise how Ayato felt about him.

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