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It was getting late when I stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed, but as I looked into the bathroom mirror I saw my silken reflection looking back at me so I only stare back.

I never knew being a rouge for that long would make my honeys toned skin look like a bleached peach tone skin. My hair has changed too since it is not as soft as it used to be. My eyes look enlightened with a hint of dullness.

There is a knock and Danny steps in. When his eyes lands on my almost naked body he growls suductive, but shakes his head and turns around. So I put on the clean clothes he gave me then tapped his arm telling him it is safe now.  He turns around and pulls me into his chest making the electricity shocks jump all over my body where his body is touching mine. The shocks intensify when he looks at my lips and his eyes turn a electric violet blue shade.

"Alpha?" John calls out.

"In here." Danny says while his eyes change back.

Once John was in here he nods at me.

"Alpha, Christy is in labor and the pack doctor is out at the hospital." John says.

Danny growls.

"Go back to her and I will have my mom come help." Danny says.

John nods and runs out. Then Danny takes out his phone and looks at me.  He makes a call while keeping his eyes on me like he knows I want to run away. After he hangs up he picks me up and we are off to somewhere. He only sets me down once we are in a hospital like room. I look around and see John holding a woman's hand saying sweet nothings.

"My mom is on the way, but she told me to have you check how dilated Christy is." Danny says.

I knew if I was ever going to escape this was the time to, but something was stopping me for running away.

"How the heck do I do that?" John growls.

"By entering you fingers into her at ease. How ever many it is will give my mom an idea how far along she is in labor." Danny growls back.

Back in my old pack before everything changed I helped deliver babies since my mom was the nurse. So I tapped John's shoulder.

"I can." I signed.

John nods and allows me to help. I washed my hands and put gloves on then I checked. After putting the covers back on the woman I signed.

"She no dilated. Her water broke?"

"Yes." John signed.

This never happened in my old pack before so I did not know what to do.

"Check in one hour." I signed.

John nods.

I turned around taking the gloves off to see Danny smiling at me. His eyes shine with a feeling that I have not seen in forever, but he covers it up once a different lady walks in. She shoos us out and I walk to the bathroom Danny is taking me to. In there I wash my hands and hear a commotion so when I walked out Danny has two guards standing by me. He texts for me to stay put then runs off. I size up the guards when Danny is out of sight. They looked easy enough to take down, so that is what I do. I kicked one in the balls and when the other grabs me I stop really heard on his foot, elbow his ribs, upper cut his nose, and when he lets go I kick is balls. I then ran away not stopping even when I hear the howls after I pass the Pack's territory boarder.

'Why are you running from our mate?' my wolf asks.

'Because he will only control us and he does not want us with his free will. You know it is only the mate bond that makes our kind want our mate.'

'His wolf is not like that so he....' my wolf try to tell me, but I just block her out.

I can not believe my wolf is such a traitor, but then again she has always wanted her mate. So when we decided to go rouge that was the only agreement we had since we shifted and things changed. Just thinking about the past makes my eyes water and make me miss my parents. Then the anger takes over helping us run faster until we trip over a tree root we did not see.

'See that is what you get for running away from mate' My wolf says.

What am I to expect from her. She wants our mate while I do not want to be trapped and controlled. So I knew she was not going to help me. If it was the other Alpha or our old Pack's Alpha she would, but since I am running from our mate and not the other Alphas she is on a different page than me.

'You got that right. So go back to mate. He will keep us safe for them' My wolf says.

'How do you know he will? How do you know he won't just give us back to them? How do you know he won't betray us? How do you know he will want us?'

'Because his wolf does and right now he is going crazy looking for us.' My wolf says.

'How do you know this?'

'His wolf communicates with me. He can feel our distress.' My wolf says.

'I am no female in waiting and I do not need him!'

She growls at me.

'Why are you so stubborn? You were never like this when they were alive!' My wolf growls.

My eyes gloss over with unshed tears.

'You know why.'

'He was not there to save us or help us then. So why are you holding it against him?' My wolf asks.

'Because all alphas are alike!'

'Do you really believe that?' My wolf asks.

I tune her out.

I know back before the attack the alpha was kind and loving, but afterward he changed to being a cold hearted ruthless alpha.

The Alpha's RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now