Jasmine Fox

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Name: Jasmine Audrey Fox

Nicknames: Jas, Jazy, Min

Age: 14

Gender and Pronouns: Demigirl, She/They

Sexuality: Pansexual

Job: Student

Reason for Being at the School: Jasmine is at the school, partly to learn to control her power but also because their father thought she'd be safer there

Power/Ability: Shields. Jasmine can create energy shields to protect herself and others, but they can't keep the same shield up for too long or it will start to physically hurt her


Personality: Jasmine is a happy, compassionate girl, despite being told many times that she couldn't do things just because she was born deaf

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Personality: Jasmine is a happy, compassionate girl, despite being told many times that she couldn't do things just because she was born deaf. The thing is, they can be stubborn when they want to do something. Too stubborn. She often has to be convinced not to do things, especially when it's something dangerous, and she sometimes won't listen. Jasmine likes to do things themself, not being babied just because they can't hear. She doesn't have a phobia, but she's scared of people sneaking up on her because she can't hear them coming. This is also a problem if people are telling them to run, since they won't be able to hear them

Likes: Her friends, reading, writing

Dislikes: Being bullied because she's deaf, being told she can't do things because she's deaf

Fears: Being snuck up on

Strengths: Sign language, writing, climbing

Weaknesses: She's deaf, her stubbornness

Family: Cameron Fox (father) and Allie Fox (mother)

Backstory: Jasmine was born deaf, meaning her father was extra protective over her, not letting her go out or do anything. Her mother, on the other hand, hated her. She didn't want a child who couldn't hear. Jasmine's father almost never let them out of his sight, meaning she didn't have much freedom. Their mother found little ways to hurt Jasmine or make her life horrible, and she threatened that if Jasmine ever told anyone, that person would 'disappear'. Jasmine, despite all of this, somehow stayed positive, or at least seemed to. Her mother eventually divorced her father and moved away, leaving her father to care for her

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