Tara Lorre

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Name: Tara May Lorre

Nicknames: None

Age: 18

Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her

Sexuality: Bisexual with a male lean

Job: Student

Reason for Being at the School: Tara is mainly at the school to watch over her sister

Power/Ability: Wings. Tara has black, dragon-like wings that she can summon and unsummon whenever she wants


Personality: Tara is kind and caring, but will never back down from a challenge

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Personality: Tara is kind and caring, but will never back down from a challenge. She can be a bit too reckless and stubborn sometimes, and she's really brave and won't hesitate to defend someone. She can be a bit clumsy sometimes, though not much, and she can lose things easily. She makes friends easily, and cares for them a lot, often protecting them when they need, though she can jump to conclusions sometimes, which can cause unnecessary fights

Likes: Her sister, her friends, school

Dislikes: Bullies, her brother

Fears: Losing her sister

Strengths: Flying, writing, speed

Weaknesses: Landing, stamina

Family: Noah Lorre (father), Lilian Lorre (mother), Samuel Lorre (older brother), and Reiana Lorre (younger sister)

Backstory: Tara didn't have the best childhood growing up. Her parents hated her and her sister, thinking that their older brother was an angel and could do no wrong, when really he was full on bullying and hurting Rei. Their parents thought the girls were lying, so they punished them rather than their brother. When Tara turned 10, their parents abandoned her and her sister, Rei, taking their brother with them. Since they didn't want to be separated, the girls just tried to live by themselves, since Tara was only 10 and not old enough to start working yet. They managed to survive and as soon as they were old enough, they each got a job

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