Lilian Lorre

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Name: Lilian June Lorre

Nicknames: Mrs Lorre, Principal Lorre

Age: 46

Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her

Sexuality: Straight

Job: Principal


Personality: Lilian seems to be kind and caring, but is she really? Is she really the person she makes herself out to be? I guess you'll all find out, won't you

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Personality: Lilian seems to be kind and caring, but is she really? Is she really the person she makes herself out to be? I guess you'll all find out, won't you

Likes: The school, her son

Dislikes: Her daughters, misbehaved students

Fears: Unknown

Strengths: Unknown

Weaknesses: Unknown

Family: Noah Lorre (husband), Samuel Lorre (oldest child), Tara Lorre (middle child), Reiana Lorre (youngest child)

Backstory: Unknown

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