Lukas West

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Name: Lukas James West

Nicknames: Luke, Mr West

Age: 23

Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Health teacher


Personality: Lukas seems to be calm and trustworthy, but can he really be trusted? I guess you'll have to trust him, after all, you'll need more than just friends in this school

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Personality: Lukas seems to be calm and trustworthy, but can he really be trusted? I guess you'll have to trust him, after all, you'll need more than just friends in this school. You'll also need teacher allies

Likes: His students, teaching, the school

Dislikes: Students making stupid jokes about what he teaches, the principal, Samuel

Fears: The unknown

Strengths: Unknown

Weaknesses: Unknown

Family: Unknown

Backstory: Unknown

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