One: Start

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I have done many funny and reckless things in my teenage years, including those I'm not proud of, and some I want to put in my potential cv. My sixth year at Hogwarts was looking very optimistic and I didn't have any doubt that this year I might do something wild, too. But I didn't expect it would be a seduction of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

I sat in the common room with my friends on Saturday evening, just after qualifications for the Slytherin Quidditch team and less than two weeks after the beginning of the school year. The party was already going on for the fourth hour and we moved from the dance floor to the leather sofas in front of the huge fireplace.

The whole group was gossiping about the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. This year, a really ridiculous man was chosen.

"Have you seen his robes? My house elves dress better. " Ryley laughed, sitting next to me a little too close than appropriate. I didn't mind.

"Dumbledore, being the good-natured old fogy that he is, must've found him on the street and taken him in. Apparently Trelawney wasn't enough." said Brook, one of my closest friends. It was hard to disagree with her.

"He won't stay here for more than a year anyway." I reminded them. "Nobody has ever held this job for more than a year."

"I can't imagine someone like him teaching us all year long. That's half the time we have left here!" Jaylee, my other friend, looked particularly unhappy. During the last lesson with Lupin, she threw a flaming ball of parchment at him, burning a sleeve of his already tattered sweater, and he wasn't even looking for the guilty person. Probably he was too afraid of losing his job. It was certainly the highest paying of all he had.

"Besides, what can he teach us? How to patch?" Ryley snorted, turning to smile at me. He looked adorable with his dimples and long hair falling over his face.

"What he says in class is obviously based on books. Everyone thinks he's talented, but he's most likely another Lockhart." Wilton rolled his eyes as he sipped some cheap brandy. He was actually the only male person in my close-friends-circle.

"At least I'll pass this subject with ease." laughed Brook, theatrically tossing her hair over her shoulder. "It's not like I have anything to fear from dark magic, anyway."

I fidgeted nervously, which caused Ryley to give me a strange look. Brook's parents were Death Eaters, so she was right - if anything happened, she wouldn't have to defend herself against the dark magic. She would be on its side.

"I bet every girl will pass this subject with the highest grade. The poor man hasn't seen a woman up close for a long time, and here he has a castle full of young girls!" Wilton laughed. The glass in his hand was already empty.

"Don't talk about us like we're toys waiting for some horny guy to pick us up." I snapped, giving him a cold look. When he drinks a lot, he always says stupid things.

"Nobody thinks that." Ryley placed his hand on the back of the couch behind me. "Besides, Wilton was definitely not talking about you."

"But he's right, you know." admitted Jaylee. "Maybe I just need to look deep into his eyes and flap my eyelashes to have an O."

"Be careful, he may take you on a private tutoring." Brook joked, giving her a mischievous look.

Jaylee winced as if someone had poured a Firewhiskey down her throat, "Ew! In his dreams."

"He would never do that." I said, earning dismayed glances from everyone, "He would be kicked out of school for something like that and he cares too much."

"Hope he's stupid enough to do that. They surely would find someone better to replace him." Wilton was filling his glass again. I don't think he drank that much last year.

"That's it!" Jaylee cried out suddenly, excited, "We could set him up and report him to the headmaster."

Ryley looked unconvinced. "Yeah? And who'll do something like that, you?"

"Of course not. I made this plan, I am the mastermind." She put a finger on her forehead, "Besides, it'd have to be someone really pretty."

"So, you're perfect for the job." Brook pointed out.

"No, it should be someone like Ethel. I don't have it in me."

I froze. Ryley bursted out laughing. "Sorry, it's just- this is a completely mad idea."

"What? You think I'm no good?" I asked, looking at him expectantly for some good explanation.

The smile slipped from his face. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "I don't think you should be doing this. It's not fun."

"Oh, but you're wrong. Flirting is fun." Said Brook, winking at me.

On the one hand, I agreed with him. Lupin was many years older than me, he wasn't just some boy from the year above. On the other hand, the vision of this dirty game excited me. Not only was he a teacher, someone completely forbidden, but also I wouldn't be doing it with good intensions. Like a double agent.

"You know what," I started, without time for me to change my mind. "I'm always down for some crazy shit. Let's do this."

"We're definitely drinking to that!" Wilton exclaimed, pulling another bottle of brandy out of nowhere.

"Ethel." Ryley leaned over me as Wilton poured alcohol into everyone's glasses. He was staring straight at me. "You sure you know what you're doing?"

I looked at him. I knew the vision of a girl he likes hitting on another guy was probably not that cool. And the fact that he cared was quite flattering. But he wasn't my boyfriend and I didn't owe him anything.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Relax, Ryley. It's not like it'll be real."

Oh boy, I had no idea.

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