Twenty: Sinners

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I was stumped as to what to do with all of the time I used to spend with Remus. The days had become unbearably longer and they were all the same. Get up, go to class, have a meal with Wilton, and then go to bed. But between dinner and bedtime, there was a couple hours of free time, which I couldn't fill.

What I said to Brook was untrue, of course, but it was the only way she would back down. I had no doubt that she didn't trust me; she didn't really have any reason to and she was certainly keeping an eye on me for any proof that could be used against me. As a result, I had to give up my regular visits to Remus, who had no idea what was going on.

When I didn't show up that night or the next, he began walking towards me with a concerned expression on his face when we happened to cross paths in the corridor the other day. I gave him a cold stare and shook my head, letting him know it wasn't a good idea. He came to a halt and gave me a questioning look, but I didn't respond and continued walking past him as if nothing had happened.

If he started behaving like me, I'd be pissed. And puzzled, unsure of what I had done wrong. Therefore, when everyone began to leave the room after the DADA lecture, I sent a ball of paper to his desk, knowing that Brook had already left. I wasn't able to linger long enough to see his reaction, but 'Potcher is watching' should be clear enough.

Later, it was time for detention at Snape's. I rarely got punishments from him, although he was more rude to me than to other students. He never said it out loud, but I thought it was his way of motivating me to perform better because I was actually the best in the year. At least I wanted to believe it.

When I walked in, he didn't look away from the Daily Prophet. "Page one hundred and fifty-two. The faster you make the potion, the faster you'll get out of here."

I felt like screaming when I saw that this potion must boil for at least a few hours. And when I saw the ingredients, I wanted to laugh. This guy had some newly created obsession with werewolves. Yes, I made a Wolfsbane Potion for him that evening.

It was quite late when I finished, but this was my only chance to talk to Remus. Brook was aware that I had detention, but she had no clue how long it would take, and she was most likely fast asleep. I crept up to the first floor and knocked on his door, hoping he was still awake.

When he opened it, he looked like I had woke him up. He was wearing a white T-shirt and loose sweatpants, thank goodness not shorts. He rubbed his eyes lazily. "Ethelyn? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"Did I wake you?" I asked as I went inside.

"No, I just finished the patrol." He replied, closing the door behind me. He remained still.

"What's wrong?"

He grimaced. "You tell me what's wrong. What's with Brook Potcher?"

He was nervous. Of course, who wouldn't be in his position? I could see why he was so stiff and kept his distance.

"Brook knows about us." I said quietly without meeting his eyes.

He took a deep breath. "I'm trying really hard not to blame you for this."

My gaze shot up at him. I think my mouth was open in shock. "You think I wanted it? You think I told her?"

Well, that wasn't too far from the truth. I didn't tell her, but she knew about it because of me. She was there when Jaylee came up with the idea. Hell, she herself encouraged me to do it. But Remus had no idea about it and the fact that he thought it was my fault stung a little.

He shrugged. "She's your friend."

"Former friend." I emphasised. "And you know it. Besides, why would I tell her about this?"

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