Bryce-Chapter 59

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Ever since my sister had dropped home unannounced, both my mother and sister have been acting strange.
Speaking in hushed tones, pausing the conversation everytime I walked into the room.
I asked Chet as to what was going on and he said that he didn't have a clue.
Whenever I approached my sister, she would pat me on the head and walk the other way.
Whenever I approached my mother, she stopped speaking as if she couldn't hear me.
Either way, I couldn't afford to get distracted.
My game was in two days and I needed to gear up for it.

For our anniversary, I got Juli this silver heart necklace with the letter J engraved on it.
I was focusing  on the game so much that I completely forgot to buy her a gift.
I figured that we could go to the beach or a drive on the weekend, something simple and secluded-just for the two of us.
It wasn't much but I just wanted to spend time with her without having to burn a hole in my pocket.
Not that I didn't want to but with the financial bills piling up, I just wanted to save the money.
Not that Juli wasn't worth spending..
You get my point.
Anyway, I made my way to the newspaper's corner, knowing that Juli was going to be there.
That was where she spent most of her time nowadays.
You would think that she would spend more time with me because it was our anniversary but I guess not.
I opened the door to find Juli and Ryan hunched over a book, their lips moving synchronously to the words on the page.
" Hey, umm would you come outside for a second?"
Their heads swiveled to where I was standing, just realizing that there was another person in the room.

I reached out for Juli's hand, waited for her fingers to interlock with mine before stepping out into the hallway.
I turned around and fished out a tiny pink box with a white bow tied on top from my front pocket.
She looked at me for a second with a pouty face and quickly opened the lid like a child opening a present.
" Oh!" Her eyes widened with surprise.
She looked at me again with a tearful expression as she slowly pulled out the chain.
" Bryce, its beautiful!"
She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips.

When she pulled away, she was trying to sport a confused look.
" Oh, is it our anniversary today? I completely forgot!" She smacked herself against the forehead.

If she was lying, she wasn't doing a very good job of it.
" Really?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide my amusement.

" Yeah. I'm sorry. I got caught up in you know.. homework, working with Ryan..."

At the mention of Ryan, my heart plunged into my stomach. I narrowed my eyes and looked past her shoulder to the room behind her. His head was bent down, his black hair covering most of his face. I wanted to punch him in the face so bad.

When I reverted my gaze back to Juli, a guilty look was on display.

" It's fine. You've been busy. I've been busy. We'll just hang out in the weekend," I sighed, crushed that she had truly forgotten our anniversary.

That wasn't Juli. She was the one who remembered all the little things. Chet's birthday, the first time we kissed..

But I really couldn't blame her. She was dealing with a lot of stuff on her plate. 

Besides, every chance I get to spend time with her is like a mini anniversary.

" Really?" She asked, her eyes full of surprise.

" Really." I gave her a small smile and headed back to the cafeteria.

" See you at the game." She called out.

" See you at the game," I waved.

Don't get me wrong. I was angry.  But every time I get angry, I say things I don't mean.  I can't let my anger get the best of me. Especially on a game day.


We were bathed in warm sunshine during the beginning of the game. The air was not too dry and not too humid. The wind was gentle and breezy. All in all, the weather conditions were perfect.

" Okay. This is our last chance, guys. A last chance to win. Let me hear it. What are we here for?" My voice thundered across the field taking in the boisterous energy from the crowd.

" To win!" My team answered.

" WHAT ARE WE HERE FOR!" I yelled, pumping my fist in the air, the adrenaline coursing through me.

" TO WIN!" 

The crowd again erupted in cheers.

I glanced over at the spectators to find Lynetta sitting in the middle of a sea of our school's jersey shirts. When I started playing football, the Baker's entire family used to come and cheer me on when my family couldn't. My mom was always at work, Chet was always tired and Lynetta was barely home.

So, when I told my mom that I was going to my game before leaving, Lynetta began walking behind me.

Confused, I  turned around and asked,

" What are you doing?"

She snatched the keys from my hand and opened my truck door.

" There is no way in hell that I am going to miss my little brother's game!"
I gave her a 'thank you' smile.


I searched the crowd for any signs of Juli but instead my eyes landed on a couple of men wearing black blazers and a serious look on their faces as their eyes tore apart the place.

They could only mean one thing.


We did it.

We won.

I didn't think our victory dawned upon me until I was tackled to the ground by my teammates and then lifted from the ground, the cup held between my two hands, high in the air or when a couple of scouts came in my direction and said that I had played really well or when Charles came running towards me and clapped me on the back or when Lynetta came and told me how proud of me she was.

At that moment, there was only one person that I wanted to share my victory with.

My face fell when I couldn't find her on the bleachers or on the field or the parking lot.

I asked Lynetta as to whether Juli had come with her but she said that Juli said that she would come later.

I searched the crowd again, unaware of the people congratulating me, this time looking for a different result.

He wasn't there.

She wasn't there.

It didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

I didn't know how long I stood in the field by myself, the anger raging inside of me until Noah approached me.

" I am throwing a party at my house and you are going to come. I don't care if you say no. I will drag you with my bare arms if I have to."

" I am coming," I said gruffly, pushing my clenched fist deeper into my pocket.

Noah took a double take.

" Really?"

" Yeah."

" Well, that was easy."

He whooped me on the butt and hollered 'Bryce Loski is coming!' the crowd who were going to the parking lot which received another series of hollers.

" I didn't have any plans anyway." I muttered as I kicked a stone hard, not caring about the pain shooting up my foot.

Oh man, I have been waiting to write this chapter for awhile. Not that I love the fact that my two main characters are getting  into a fight. But you know the feeling when you have this idea in your head and you just want to write it on a piece of paper?
Just me?
I am going to stop talking now.

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