Juli-Chapter 68

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“In the midst of death, life persists. In the midst of untruth, truth persists. In the midst of darkness, light persists.” - Mahatma Gandhi

The first word that struck my mind when I went to the funeral was 'golden.'
Everything had a dabble or a sprinkle or even a small dab of  golden sparkle to it. Golden plates, golden lanterns, even the dress code said to wear black with a hint of gold which was why I was wearing a knee length black dress with a golden ribbon tied around the waist.
Was it her favourite colour?
I tried to catch Bryce's attention but he was incredibly busy.
He was either helping out with the decoration or talking to a relative or standing next to Charles and his dad as people came over to him to give their condolences.
Seeing him be there for Charles made me wonder.
Why did I even fight with him?
What did we even fight about in the first place?
Bryce was a good guy. Sometimes, I felt like I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have.
The ceremony was quite beautiful.
It was a beautiful and sunny day, the weather could not be more perfect.
There was a huge portrait of Lauren next to the stage. Charles looked just like her from her eyes all the way to the freckles.
I could tell Charles had been crying as he walked on the stage. His face was red and blotchy, he kept wiping his nose and was holding a handkerchief in one hand.
" Hi,everyone. My name is Charles  Marine, son of Lauren Marine."
He scratched his head. He pressed his hands against the podium,leaned forward and then took a deep breath which rattled through the speakers. I winced at the sound. He was stalling.

" I don't know what to say really. I don't think it has..," He gestured towards his head.
" registered in my mind yet but..."
He took another breath and scanned everybody's face in the audience.
" You must have known my mom some way or the other- as a friend,classmate,crazy aunt,funny woman down the street. To me she was my best friend prior to a mom. She was everything that I could ever ask for in a mom. She was everything to me. No. She is everything to me. Sorry,dad."
Light laughter rippled across the crowd.
A man who assumed was Charles dad raised his glass in the air.
" I miss her already. I miss her so..," His voice shook," much."
" Her smile, her laugh was so contagious. You could not be in the same room with her without laughing. It was just physically impossible."
He went on talking about some of his fondest memories with her, getting lost there for a second before realizing where he was.

" Thank you all for coming today. She would have loved all of this."
Charles walked down and hugged his father who was crying during the entire speech.

And for a split second, Bryce and I made eye contact before I turned away, scared and embarrassed.
I turned to look at him again out of the corner of my eye but he was busy talking to Charles, his lips set in a firm line.

Many people came to talk after Charles. I guess she made a good impression on a lot of people.
And my heart stopped when Bryce started to walk on the stage.
I knew that I was at a funeral and was supposed to be mourning for Lauren.
But Bryce looked....dashing in that  black suit and brown loafers.
All that football practice definitely did it's job.

" Hi, everyone. My name is Bryce Loski."
He paused and turned to look at Lauren's photo.
"Even though I've only known Lauren Marine for a short period of time, those were the best days of my life hands down. I don't think I have ever laughed like that with anyone than I did with her.
And it was so weird  it was usually the visitor'a job to cheer the patient up. And when I asked her she said ' The world needs more people laughing. Period. Doesn't matter who makes you laugh.'
And she was very wise. I learned more from her in an hour then I've learned for 17 years from school."
I smiled at that statement. Bryce despised school. During freshman year, he would ask me to act like I was sick and he the same so that we could both skip school and spend a day outside.
He would never do homework unless I made him too. He still didn't. And hated pop quizzes. He hated the idea of exams altogether.

" She was humble too. She always saved two cups of chocolate pudding for Charles and I whenever we came to visit which was almost every day.
She was this extraordinary magical human being. I think everyone agrees when I say that once you have met her, you wonder what your life was like before."
The crowd nodded in agreement.

" The world does not know what it has lost today. Lauren Marine will always be with us. In our hearts and our memories. She is here with us today. Amongst us. I can sense her presence. She whispered in my ear that Ben took the dress code too seriously."
Charles dad was a golden icon. Instead of a traditional black tie he was donning a golden jacket that was doused with glitter, a black tshirt and golden coloured trousers.
" But she says that she loves it and wishes that he wore it more often."
The crowd laughed again.

" With that being said, Charles and I made this short video as a tribute. I present to you, Lauren Marine."
By the time the video ended, there wasn't a single dry eye in the vicinity.

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