Part 7.6

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Shen Tingwei publically asked for Ye Zhizhou to be granted a title. When the imperial edict arrived, Old Madam Shen almost fainted.

"It's witchcraft! It must be witchcraft! Tingwei is so obsessed with that monster that he doesn't care about his family anymore," Old Madam Shen was laying half askew on the couch, looking as if she had lost half her life in anger, "Clearly he was a shu son but he insists on saying that he is a di son. Also, that face of his changed so much. If that isn't witchcraft then what could it be? What kind of poison could make a face change like that!"

Shen Youpeng sat below her, drinking his tea silently and motionlessly as if he hadn't heard anything.

"That monster must not be allowed to continue!" Old Madam Shen suddenly sat up brimming with energy and made a waving gesture in the air with her hand that had a gemstone ring, as if she were driving something dirty away, "I'll go to Baiyun Monastery immediately and invite some senior monks to come here and deal with him! I'll expose that monster's true identity!"

"Mother," Shen Youpeng put down his teacup with eyes as tranquil as stagnant water and an indifferent tone, "I have already reported to the emperor. In three days, I will depart for the border and will not be at home for the rest of the year. Mingming is a sensible child, you should try to talk to him. I have invited the Chunxiu Garden troupe to come and sing for you regularly. You're already old, it's best to avoid tiring yourself. If you want to eat or entertain yourself in the future, just tell Mingming and he will arrange it for you. You don't have to go out and do it yourself."

"What do you mean!" Old Madam Shen's face trembled, "Are you trying to shut me inside the manor?"

"This son didn't have that intention," Shen Youpeng straightened his sleeves and stood up. Finally, his gaze fell onto her face and his tone changed slightly, "Mother, I only wish that my son can live happily and freely in his lifetime. I can bear the burden of protecting the border alone."

He turned around and walked away the moment he finished speaking, leaving behind Old Madam Shen who was frozen in place. This was the first time she saw resentment in her son's eyes since forcing her daughter-in-law to death. She opened her mouth to speak but suddenly a few cloudy tears fell from her eyes and she wondered whether they were for herself, or for her prematurely grey-haired son.

Shen Youpeng hurried back to visit his son, who was in good health. He stayed for less than 2 weeks before an imperial edict requested that he returned to the border. Before his departure, he had a secret conversation with the emperor. Soon after, Shen Tingwei was promoted again and replaced his father as the first military official.

"In the end, what did father say to the emperor?" Ye Zhizhou touched the imperial edict, feeling a bit worried in his heart, "You have so much power in your hands, could it be..."

"It's nothing," Shen Tingwei brought him into his embrace and picked up the accounts book on the desk to look over it, "My father just told the emperor about the end of the Shen family line and it settled the emperor's heart. Rest assured, with me, you can do anything you want without worries. I can still give you a lifetime of peace and stability."

Ye Zhizhou glanced at him, "I can do whatever I want?"

From Shen Tingwei's angle, he could only see the curling eyelashes when he glanced over. Those trembling eyelashes made his heart feel adventurous and uncontrollable. He couldn't stop himself from lowering his head to kiss his lover's eyes while thinking some dirty things. He nodded honestly and tightened his arms around Ye Zhizhou, "En, just say your requests, I'll do it all."

"Ok, then," Ye Zhizhou turned to look up at him and stretched out his hand, "Hand over your secret stash of money."

Laughter shone in Shen Tingwei's eyes and he took out a signet box from the table and set it in Ye Zhizhou's hands, "There's a secret box in the headboard of the bed which contains silver and land deeds. This is my personal seal. You can go to the warehouse and take whatever you want. In the future, the family property will also be under your control."

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