Chapter Three: Welcome To Your New Home

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The boat came to a stop, they could all feel it. It was strange, after three or so days they had become so used to the constant movement of the boat. It wasn't a conscious thing that they were aware of, but once it stopped, it became instantly noticeable.

Before long, they were taken out of their cells by armed crewmen and marched out above deck. Clementine squinted at the sunlight, which she hadn't seen for days. She almost walked into somebody carrying a stack of wooden boxes.
They continued down a gangplank and stepped onto a vast concrete dock. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, Clementine took in her surroundings.
They had landed in some kind of shipyard, there were various different types of boats moored all over the place.
The dock itself was cluttered with various crates and boxes of supplies and people guarding them.
Wooden piers branched off of the main concrete one, which was significantly wider. There were two large watchtowers on either side of the concrete dock, definitely built before the world ended based on their sturdy look.
Further down the dock was a series of huge industrial buildings and warehouses.
Whatever this place was, it was well stocked and well guarded.

Clementine felt somebody grab her sleeve and pull her out of the line. She spun around and was faced with Minerva.

"I need you to listen to me. If you want to be an idiot and try to escape, go for it. It's your funeral. But if you try to get my friends involved, then we're gonna have problems." She scowled, looking down at her.

"Seems like we already do." Clementine retorted coolly.

Minerva shook her head and grabbed Clem again, dragging her back into the line which was a few paces ahead by now. Clem pulled her arm away when she was back with the group.

"What was that about?" Louis whispered, craning his neck to face her.

"Nothing to worry about."

They were all marched through a checkpoint at the entrance to the docks. They arrived at one of the enormous, concrete structures where Lily opened the door.
They made their way through a corridor, down a set of stairs and through another corridor before finally reaching their destination.

"These are your barracks." Lily announced as she stepped into the dingy room.

It was a long room filled with beds, more than they needed for everyone who had been captured.
Dusty light fixtures hung from the ceiling, casting harsh shadows over everything.

"You're one of us now. As such, you'll be expected to contribute. Each day, you'll be assigned a job from the roster. Once your work is done for the day, you'll report to training. Afterwards, you get an hour of leisure time before dinner, then back to your bunks."
Lily looked down at them as she spoke, looking bemused.

"So it's like summer camp, but with slavery. Awesome." Louis remarked sarcastically.

Without warning, Lily brought the back of her hand down and cracked him across the face. Louis stumbled back a step, putting a hand to his cheek. He looked confused, like what happened hadn't registered yet.

"You speak when spoken to." She spat.

Clementine noticed Minerva wince and give Louis a sympathetic look before she hastily reverted back to a neutral expression as Lily turned around.

"Minerva will be in charge of you all, I expect you to do as she says. She'll take you to your jobs tomorrow morning."

Lily marched out of the room, leaving the door open. Minerva stepped up in front of them, her eyes were focused on something beyond the group. She seemed to be actively avoiding looking at them directly.

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