Chapter Twenty: Displaced

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Clementine and AJ sat at the table for lunch, joining Louis, Violet, Brody and Marlon.
She had finally been assigned a task with AJ, so she hadn't been completely stressed out that he was on his own all day.
Lunch was bread rolls, fruit, vegetables and a mug of water.
Before she could even take a bite of the apple on her plate though, Brody began asking questions.

"Where were you last night? We didn't see you at dinner or at the barracks."

"Better question," Louis interjected, "Where'd that jacket come from?"

"I actually had dinner with Minnie, then I stayed at her place..." She replied, biting into the apple, "The jacket's hers."

Brody's eyes narrowed looking confused.

"Why'd you stay there?"

Clem looked over at Louis, who was pursing his lips to avoid smiling. It wasn't working.
Violet gave a sideways glance at Brody, before watching Clem expectantly.

"Minnie and I are actually sort of... dating now." Clem answered slowly.

She avoided Brody's eye-line, instead examining the apple in her hand as she spoke.
She heard a thud and looked up.
Brody was wide eyed and her apple rolled off the table and onto the floor.

"You're what?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"She said they're dating, Brody." Violet casually replied, ripping off a chunk of bread and eating it.

Brody and Marlon both stared at the blonde girl. Brody kept looking back and forth between Clem and Violet, not being able to compute anything that was happening.

"I knew about it first!" Louis erupted.

Clem pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. Everyone but Violet was making far too big a deal out of it than it needed to be.

"Vi, I'm surprised you're so... chill about it." Brody said.

"I really don't care. Minnie and I are in the past." Violet shrugged.

She leaned over to pick up Brody's apple and handed it back to her.
Brody took it and looked looked at Violet, making a little 'hm' noise.
Violet quickly averted her gaze, looking down at the table.
Clem cleared her throat.

"Anyway, she's meant to be having lunch with us today."

"Will there be any cute Clem-slash-Minnie moments for us to see?" Louis asked facetiously.

"Louis, if you say anything like that again I will start throwing shit." She replied, only half joking.

"I'm a hundred percent with Clementine on this one, dude. Maybe chill, just a little?" Marlon interjected.

Of late, Marlon had been more vocal than Clem had ever seen him. Violet still wasn't really talking to him, she more or less ignored his presence most days.

"Can't help it, sorry. I love love." Louis chuckled, "When's she meant to get here?"

Clem craned her neck and looked around the room. There were a few hundred people in the mess hall, but none of them were Minnie. Her bright orange hair would have stood out in the crowd.

"I don't know. Now, hopefully." She said.

"Maybe she got held back by work?" Violet suggested.

"Yeah, maybe."


Clementine jogged up the stairs and swung around to the left when she arrived on the correct floor.
She sped down the hall and skidded to a halt in front of Minnie's door.
After Minnie didn't show up to lunch like she said she would, Clem just assumed she was busy. But then she didn't come to dinner, or breakfast the next day.
As soon as she was free to do so, Clem had rushed over to the apartment building. She couldn't know for sure if Minnie was in any danger, but she didn't trust the Delta at all.
Clem knocked on the door and waited for a response. When none came, she knocked louder.
Still nothing.
She was practically trying to break down the door when somebody stepped out of the apartment adjacent to Minnie's.

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