Then Again

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Kuchel can't help but make sure every inch of her son is perfect and ready to go for his first day of high school. She has already checked his backpack three times the night before and another 2 times this morning. She barely even slept because her anxiety said NO. She can't stop fidgeting nor can she stop fighting back the tears that continue to well up in her eyes. So far she has been successful in keeping them at bay, knowing if she lets them go it will only worry and annoy her son.


Kuchel shakes her head as she realizes she's staring, she finds her son watching her like she had grown another head, "sorry, you all set?"

Levi sighs, "this is your fifth time asking me that."

Kuchel gives a guilty smile, "I know, I'm sorry I just-"

"It's just school mom."

Kuchel watches her son adjust his backpack on his shoulders, she can't help but admire how he's growing. He's gotten taller but has yet to pass her up, his muscles have started to really define themselves, and the black t-shirt he's wearing hugs a little tighter around his chest and shoulders, his voice is beginning to change and the features in his face have already started abandoning the baby-ish look. His cheeks have started to chisel out along with his jawline and the addition of the undercut aged him a few years. She finds a small sliver of relief that he has at least kept the top part long, it gives her room to still believe that he is still her baby despite the fact that he's starting his first year of high school today.

"You're doing it again, Jesus, mom I'm not going to war," Levi grumbles as his mom's eyes begin to water for what seems like the 20th time, "no, mom, stop-I-ugh." He pulls her into a hug as she allows herself to cry at the sight of her son, her best friend, growing up.

She wraps her arms around him, unable to deny the fact that he is no longer the little boy that clung to her leg out of fear and uncertainty of the world around him. She wants to continue to be his protector, but she can see that she was successful in building him up to be strong without her. She's proud of him and wants him to be able to stand on his own two feet, but there's a part of her that just wants him to continue to rely on her.

"You're growing up too fast," she says before pulling away to adjust his hair, a few strands have escaped from his bun, "it's hard to watch you not need me anymore."

Levi rolls his eyes while his cheeks flush a pink hue, "I still need you, now will you stop crying so I can leave." He smiles while ruffling up her hair, making more of a rat's nest of her bedhead.

She pouts out her lip, "ugh okay fine, let's go."

Once they make it past the threshold her anxiety sparks up again and she's back at it with the same questions she's asked over and over all morning. Levi aggressively tries to maintain his patience.


"Will you stand still, please? I need a picture of your first day!" Elayne complains behind her camera at her son, "they're for your father too, so act like you don't hate it."


"Erwin," she states, noting that she's not going to give up, "one picture, that's all I need." He gives her a look indicating that he doesn't believe her because she's already taken a handful at this point. She smiles in return, confirming that she's not going to stop.

Erwin nervously laughs as he shakes his head with flushed cheeks, "okay, just make it quick. I don't want to be late."

Elayne wears a wide smile from behind the camera, the flash goes off not only once but three times. By the third time, Erwin's smile has faded because this is probably the hundredth picture she's taken. She even took a picture of him waking up stating that she wanted to create a scrapbook that told a story through pictures. Erwin didn't argue but he wasn't pleased that the first thing he saw when he woke up was a bright light, there was a moment where he thought he was dying.

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