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The sun is high in the sky when i wake. It must have escaped the evil clutches of whatever was behind the trees. It seems to be even brighter than before. I blink quickly as spots start to dance across my vision. Looking around the humans have disappeared. Even Nome, when i reach for his comforting shape is missing. But when i think back he must have stayed back at the room where i first met Calm, with The Chef. With that mystery solved, i decide to move on to the next task.... find Calm!

I climb off the wooden chair and make my way across the grass. I hear some noises in the distance, panting, shouting, bangs and crashes. I try to speed my way across the grass, but in figuring out that my running is more like wobbling, i refer to rats as i lower-myself down onto my hands. Scampering across the grass towards the sounds.

As i grow closer, i notice the humans, dotted around a large pile. A large pink creature seems to be jumping around. It's swallowed a human but seems to be avoiding the others. Further away a large light, rivalling that of the re-emerged sun. As i crawl further across the floor-moss a fast creature. It looked blue, reminding me of a fast spikey creature for some reason.

It's there for a second but gone straight after. Although it brings my attention to a barrel of water that seems to be both boiling and freezing at the same time. I shuffle closer until i'm right next to it. I can hear breathing coming from inside. In a moment of panic, i bite a hole in the barrel to try to free whatever's trapped inside. Water comes pouring out and pushes me to the ground, the temperature which previously had been a quite warm temperature suddenly takes a turn down to freezing and traps me against the grass.

I look up to see the face of one of the humans looking down at me. It's eyes narrowed in suspicion at first before widening as the ice melted.

"Zero?" The human asks, it's eyes wide and it's tone questioning.

I nod my head as much as i can lying on my back.
He takes a deep breath and tries to help me to my feet. I stumble a bit standing up as I ignore his hand.

"E-extr-ra! Bo-ooomm!"

I stutter to him, trying to symbolise Calm's explosions. He seems to stare at me, confused as i repeat myself.

"Do you mean Bakugo?"

I stop my actions to prevent myself from falling over and instead change to nodding my head furiously. That must be what the humans call him. The humans makes noises that i recognise as happy noises and pulls himself out of the barrel. He shakes himself a bit before starting to walk away. Before i can see him vanish he stops and turns around, calling to me.

I understand and flop onto the floor, crawling over to him as fast as i can.

Finally we reach another area, even the air itself seems hot and slightly dry. I climb to my feed to get a better look. In the centre is a barrel with a human behind it. The human smells like Calm, his usual smell blending in with this area, both seeming hot and packed with potential, but Calm usually smells slightly wetter.

A loud shout accompanied by a large explosion shatters my thoughts. For a second the world seems to stop, my body stops working as light, heat,noise and pain floods into me. I stumble as I try to block it out. By the time my ears start to work again my hands are soaked. Rasped sobs grating my throat as my entire body shakes violently.

I can vaguely hear shouts, noises coming from around me, but they're outside my little safe bubble. What if they're not safe? What if they want to hurt me? I curl up tighter into myself , trying to hide from the world.

For the first time, I want nothing more than to be in the safe dark embrace of the maw, it's gentle rocking, the steady hum of machinery and the constant scuttling of the Knomes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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